  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class EntityProperty

An instance of this class is assigned to each of the properties of an entity that is being edited in RadDataForm. This instance can be used to change or adjust the editor that is used for this property.


  • void
    • EntityProperty




android: any

Represents the native EntityProperty of RadDataForm from Progress Telerik UI for Android.


autoCompleteDisplayMode: AutoCompleteDisplayMode

Gets or sets displayMode of the AutoCompleteTextView of the editor. This property affects only editors of type: AutoCompleteInline


columnIndex: number

Gets or sets the columnIndex which is used to determine the order of the editors in their group.


Gets or sets a PropertyConverter that will be used to convert between values stored in the model and values shows in an editor.


displayName: string

Gets or sets the name that is used for the label of the editor of this property.


Gets or sets a PropertyEditor that is used to edit this property.


errorMessage: string

Gets or sets a message that will be displayed when the new value doesn't meet the validation criteria.


hidden: boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property is hidden or visible.


hintText: string

Gets or sets the text displayed in the editor while its value is null.


imageResource: any

Gets or sets the name of an image resource that will be used as the editor's label.


index: number

Gets or sets the index which is used to determine the order of the editors in their group.


ios: any

Represents the native EntityProperty of RadDataForm from Progress Telerik UI for iOS.


isValid: boolean

Returns whether the property is valid.


name: string

The name of this property. Please note that the name can be set only once.


readOnly: boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property can be edited or is read only.


required: boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property is required.


successMessage: string

Gets or sets a message that will be displayed when the new value meets the validation criteria.


validators: Array<PropertyValidator>

Gets or sets an array of PropertyValidator that are used to validate the changes of this property.


value: any

Returns the committed value of the property.


valueCandidate: any

Returns the current value of the editor of this property.


valuesProvider: any

Gets or sets an array of values that are accepted as values for the editor associated with this property. This property affects only editors of type: Picker, List and SegmentedEditor.

Static autoCompleteDisplayModeProperty

autoCompleteDisplayModeProperty: Property

Identifies the valuesProvider dependency property.

Static columnIndexProperty

columnIndexProperty: Property

Identifies the columnIndex dependency property.

Static converterProperty

converterProperty: Property

Identifies the converter dependency property.

Static displayNameProperty

displayNameProperty: Property

Identifies the displayName dependency property.

Static editorProperty

editorProperty: Property

Identifies the editor dependency property.

Static hiddenProperty

hiddenProperty: Property

Identifies the hidden dependency property.

Static hintTextProperty

hintTextProperty: Property

Identifies the hintText dependency property.

Static imageResourceProperty

imageResourceProperty: Property

Identifies the imageResource dependency property.

Static indexProperty

indexProperty: Property

Identifies the index dependency property.

Static nameProperty

nameProperty: Property

Identifies the name dependency property.

Static readOnlyProperty

readOnlyProperty: Property

Identifies the readOnly dependency property.

Static requiredProperty

requiredProperty: Property

Identifies the required dependency property.

Static validatorsProperty

validatorsProperty: Property

Identifies the validators dependency property.

Static valuesProviderProperty

valuesProviderProperty: Property

Identifies the valuesProvider dependency property.

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