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Class DayCellStyle

Inherited from CellStyle, this class provides some additional properties specific for days in calendar.





cellAlignment: string

Gets or sets the content alignment of cell. Use CalendarCellAlignment enumeration values as possible alignment styles.


cellBackgroundColor: string

Gets or sets the background of cell


cellBorderColor: string

Gets or sets the color of cell border


cellBorderWidth: number

Gets or sets the width of cell border


cellPaddingHorizontal: number

Gets or sets the horizontal padding amount.


cellPaddingVertical: number

Gets or sets the vertical padding amount.


cellTextColor: string

Gets or sets the text color of the cell. Use predefined colors from Color module or hex value in format "#RGBA"


cellTextFontName: string

Gets or sets the name of the font used for text. If font with this name is not available the standard font is used instead. You can specify different font names for ios and android using attribute specifiers.


cellTextFontStyle: string

Gets or sets the style of the font used for text in cell. Use values from FontStyles module.


cellTextSize: number

Gets or sets the size of text in cell.


eventFontName: string

Gets or sets the name of the font used for event text in cell. If font with this name is not available the standard font is used instead. You can specify different font names for ios and android using attribute specifiers.


eventFontStyle: string

Gets or sets the style of the font used for event text in cell. Use values from FontStyles enumeration.


eventTextColor: string

Gets or sets the color of the text for event in cell


eventTextSize: number

Gets or sets the size of event text in cell.


showEventsText: boolean

Gets or sets if events should be shown in cell with text alongside the shape or not.

Static cellAlignmentProperty

cellAlignmentProperty: Property

Identifies the cellAlignment dependency property.

Static cellBackgroundColorProperty

cellBackgroundColorProperty: Property

Identifies the cellBackgroundColor dependency property.

Static cellBorderColorProperty

cellBorderColorProperty: Property

Identifies the cellBorderColor dependency property.

Static cellBorderWidthProperty

cellBorderWidthProperty: Property

Identifies the cellBorderWidth dependency property.

Static cellPaddingHorizontalProperty

cellPaddingHorizontalProperty: Property

Identifies the cellPaddingHorizontal dependency property.

Static cellPaddingVerticalProperty

cellPaddingVerticalProperty: Property

Identifies the cellPaddingVertical dependency property.

Static cellTextColorProperty

cellTextColorProperty: Property

Identifies the cellTextColor dependency property.

Static cellTextFontNameProperty

cellTextFontNameProperty: Property

Identifies the cellTextFontName dependency property.

Static cellTextFontStyleProperty

cellTextFontStyleProperty: Property

Identifies the cellTextFontStyle dependency property.

Static cellTextSizeProperty

cellTextSizeProperty: Property

Identifies the cellTextSize dependency property.

Static eventFontNameProperty

eventFontNameProperty: Property

Identifies the eventFontName dependency property.

Static eventFontStyleProperty

eventFontStyleProperty: Property

Identifies the eventFontStyle dependency property.

Static eventTextColorProperty

eventTextColorProperty: Property

Identifies the eventTextColor dependency property.

Static eventTextSizeProperty

eventTextSizeProperty: Property

Identifies the eventTextSize dependency property.

Static showEventsTextProperty

showEventsTextProperty: Property

Identifies the showEventsText dependency property.

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