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Repair Simple Cross-Reference Table

Product Version Product Author
2020.1.316 RadPdfProcessing Martin Velikov


How to repair a PDF document with invalid Cross-Reference(XREF) table offset.


The provided code snippets demonstrates how to repair an invalid XREF table offset by using the RepairDocumentWithSimpleCrossReferenceTable method.

The provided solution, however, can handle only simple cases in which the document contains a single XREF table.

RadFixedDocument document; 
string filePath = "add-the-path-to-your-file"; 
using (Stream originalFile = File.OpenRead(filePath)) 
    MemoryStream repairedDocument = this.RepairDocumentWithSimpleCrossReferenceTable(originalFile); 
    using (repairedDocument) 
        document = new PdfFormatProvider().Import(repairedDocument); 

Repair Document With Simple Cross-Reference Table

public MemoryStream RepairDocumentWithSimpleCrossReferenceTable(Stream corruptedPdfFile) 
    string xrefKeyword = "xref"; 
    long xrefIndex = corruptedPdfFile.IndexOf(xrefKeyword); 
    corruptedPdfFile.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); 
    MemoryStream repairedDocument = new MemoryStream(); 
    corruptedPdfFile.Seek(xrefIndex, SeekOrigin.Begin); 
    string line = corruptedPdfFile.ReadLine(); 
    string[] tokens = line.Split(' '); 
    string secondToken = tokens[1].Trim(); 
    int numberOfObjects = int.Parse(secondToken); 
    long nextLinePosition = corruptedPdfFile.Position; 
    for (int pdfId = 1; pdfId < numberOfObjects; pdfId++) 
        repairedDocument.Seek(nextLinePosition, SeekOrigin.Begin); 
        long pdfOffset = corruptedPdfFile.IndexOf(string.Format("{0} 0 obj", pdfId)); 
        repairedDocument.Write(string.Format("{0} 00000 n", pdfOffset.ToString().PadLeft(10, '0'))); 
        corruptedPdfFile.Seek(nextLinePosition, SeekOrigin.Begin); 
        nextLinePosition = corruptedPdfFile.Position; 
    long startXrefPosition = corruptedPdfFile.IndexOf("startxref"); 
    corruptedPdfFile.Seek(startXrefPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin); 
    long xrefOffsetPosition = corruptedPdfFile.Position; 
    string corruptedOffset = corruptedPdfFile.ReadLine(); 
    repairedDocument.Seek(xrefOffsetPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin); 
    return repairedDocument; 

Extensions class providing some static methods used in RepairDocumentWithSimpleCrossReferenceTable method

public static class PdfStreamExtensions 
    private const byte LineFeed = (byte)'\n'; 
    private const byte CarriageReturn = (byte)'\r'; 
    private static readonly Encoding PdfEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; 
    public static void Write(this Stream stream, string text) 
        byte[] bytes = PdfEncoding.GetBytes(text); 
        stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); 
    public static long IndexOf(this Stream stream, string text) 
        byte[] bytes = PdfEncoding.GetBytes(text); 
        return stream.IndexOf(bytes); 
    public static long IndexOf(this Stream stream, byte[] byteSequence) 
        stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); 
        int byteSequenceIndexToCheck = 0; 
        while (!IsEndOfStream(stream)) 
            byte b = (byte)stream.ReadByte(); 
            if (b.Equals(byteSequence[byteSequenceIndexToCheck])) 
            else if (byteSequenceIndexToCheck != 0) 
                stream.Seek(-byteSequenceIndexToCheck, SeekOrigin.Current); 
                byteSequenceIndexToCheck = 0; 
            if (byteSequenceIndexToCheck == byteSequence.Length) 
                long oldPosition = stream.Position; 
                stream.Seek(-(byteSequence.Length + 1), SeekOrigin.Current); 
                byte previousByte = (byte)stream.ReadByte(); 
                stream.Seek(oldPosition , SeekOrigin.Begin); 
                if (previousByte == 10 || previousByte == 13 || previousByte == 20) 
                    byteSequenceIndexToCheck = 0; 
        if (byteSequenceIndexToCheck == byteSequence.Length) 
            long startPosition = stream.Position - byteSequenceIndexToCheck; 
            return startPosition; 
            return -1; 
    public static string ReadLine(this Stream stream) 
        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 
        byte b; 
        while (!IsEndOfStream(stream) && !IsLineFeed(b = (byte)stream.ReadByte())) 
            if (b != CarriageReturn) 
            else if (!IsEndOfStream(stream) && !IsLineFeed(b = stream.Peek())) 
        return stringBuilder.ToString(); 
    public static byte Peek(this Stream stream) 
        byte b = (byte)stream.ReadByte(); 
        stream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current); 
        return b; 
    private static bool IsLineFeed(byte b) 
        return b == LineFeed; 
    private static bool IsEndOfStream(Stream stream) 
        return stream.Position >= stream.Length; 
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