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Creating TableCells with GoToAction and UriAction

Product Version Product Author
N/A RadPdfProcessing Maria Terzieva


This article describes how to create a table cells with GoToAction and UriAction in PDF document with Telerik Document Processing. With the PDF format, each content element has a specific position, and in some cases, each character is positioned separately. PDF standard does not have any information about tables as well, once exported the tables in the document are represented by lines and text fragments. For this reason we use Action which defines the behaviour for an annotation. And annotation element associates an object with a location on a RadFixedPage.


The following example demonstrates how to create TableCells with GoToAction and UriAction:

1.First we need to create a table in the document.

2.Next we have to iterate throught the elements of the page and to find the text fragment which we want.

3.After that for creating Links to URLs or Locations within the document, we use Actions - UriAction or GoToAction.

    RadFixedDocument document = new RadFixedDocument();
    using (RadFixedDocumentEditor editor = new RadFixedDocumentEditor(document))
        Table table = new Table();
        Border border = new Border(BorderStyle.Single);
        table.Borders = new TableBorders(left: border, top: border, right: border, bottom: border);
        TableRow firstRow = table.Rows.AddTableRow();
        TableCell firstRowFirstCell = firstRow.Cells.AddTableCell();
        firstRowFirstCell.Borders = new TableCellBorders(left: border, top: border, right: border, bottom: border);
        Block block1 = firstRowFirstCell.Blocks.AddBlock();
        block1.InsertText("Text in first cell.");

        TableRow secondRow = table.Rows.AddTableRow();
        TableCell secondRowFirstCell = secondRow.Cells.AddTableCell();
        secondRowFirstCell.Borders = new TableCellBorders(left: border, top: border, right: border, bottom: border);
        Block block2 = secondRowFirstCell.Blocks.AddBlock();
        block2.InsertText("Text in second cell.");


    RadFixedPage secondPage = document.Pages.AddPage();

    foreach (RadFixedPage page in document.Pages)
        foreach (ContentElementBase element in page.Content)
            if (element is TextFragment textFragment)
                if (textFragment.Text == "Text in first cell.")
                    Location location = new Location
                        Left = 225,
                        Top = 500,
                        Zoom = 1,
                        Page = secondPage

                    GoToAction goToAction = new GoToAction
                        Destination = location

                    Link goToLink = document.Pages[0].Annotations.AddLink(goToAction);
                    Rect clippingBounds = textFragment.Clipping.Clip.Bounds;
                    goToLink.Rect = new Rect(clippingBounds.X, clippingBounds.Y, clippingBounds.Width, clippingBounds.Height);
                else if (textFragment.Text == "Text in second cell.")
                    UriAction uriAction = new UriAction
                        Uri = new Uri(@""),

                    Link uriLink = document.Pages[0].Annotations.AddLink(uriAction);
                    Rect clippingBounds = textFragment.Clipping.Clip.Bounds;
                    uriLink.Rect = new Rect(clippingBounds.X, clippingBounds.Y, clippingBounds.Width, clippingBounds.Height);

    string outputPath = "Exported.pdf";
    if (File.Exists(outputPath))

    using (Stream output = File.OpenWrite(outputPath))
        PdfFormatProvider provider = new PdfFormatProvider();
        provider.Export(document, output);

    Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = outputPath, UseShellExecute = true });

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In this article