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Convert CSV to XLSX

Product Version Product Author
2020.1.310 RadSpreadProcessing Dimitar Karamfilov


The below example shows how you can easily convert a CSV file to XLSX format.


Use the SpreadProcessing library to convert the file.

Convert CSV to XLSX

static void Main(string[] args) 
    string fileName = @"..\..\FileName.csv"; 
    if (!File.Exists(fileName)) 
        throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("File {0} was not found!", fileName)); 
    Workbook workbook; 
    var csvFormatProvider = new CsvFormatProvider(); 
    using (Stream input = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open)) 
        workbook = csvFormatProvider.Import(input); 
    string resultFile = @"..\..\ResultFile.xlsx"; 
    var formatProvider = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.OpenXml.Xlsx.XlsxFormatProvider(); 
    using (Stream output = new FileStream(resultFile, FileMode.Create)) 
        formatProvider.Export(workbook, output); 
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