Namespace Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model
Represents the value of a cell which contains a true or false value. |
Represents a cell border. |
Represents all the borders of a cell. |
Represents a cell index. |
Represents a base for the cell index and position classes. |
Represents a range of cells. |
Cell A collection which can process the results of insertions and removals of cell ranges. |
CellRangeInsertedOrRemovedAwareCollection<T> A collection which can process the results of insertions and removals of cell ranges. |
Cell Represents base for the CellRangeInsertedOrRemovedAwareCollection class. |
Cell Represents cell range inserted or removed aware ordered collection. |
Cell Arguments for the CellRangeInsertedOrRemoved event. |
Represents a reference to a cell. |
Represents a cell reference range. |
Represents the cells of the worksheet. |
Represents a selection of cells. |
Provides base for the cell value types classes. |
Produces instances of ICellValue type. |
Describes the format that can be applied to a cell value. |
Represents a collection of charts. |
Represents a range of columns. |
Represents a collection of columns. |
Represents a column selection. |
Represents a column width value. |
Arguments for the ColumnWidthChanged event. |
Represents a base class for copy - paste result. |
Represents a defined name in the RadSpreadsheet. |
Represents the value of a cell which has no content. |
Represents error cell value class. |
Represents a base for classes representing collections of a specific type of shapes. |
Represents a base for classes representing collections of a specific type of sheets. |
Describes the find options. |
Represents the result of a find operation. |
Represents the value of a cell which contains a formula. |
Describes a gradient type of fill. |
Contains properties related to the grouping functionality. |
Represents a collection of hyperlinks. |
Represents information about a hyperlink. |
Represents a collection of notes. |
Merged Arguments for the MergedCellRangesChanged event. |
Represents a collection of names. |
Represents a collection of notes. |
Represents the value of a cell which contains a number. |
The class represents the pane. |
Inheritor of System.Exception used when a string cannot be parsed as a CellValue. |
Describes the paste options. |
Describes a paste result. |
Describes a pattern type of fill. |
Represents a property value applied to an entire range. |
Represents the replace options. |
Represents a base for the row and column range classes. |
Represents a reference to a row or column. |
Provides base for the row and column selection classes. |
Represents a row height value. |
The arguments for the RowHeightChangedEvent. |
Represents a range of rows. |
Represents a collection of rows. |
Provides bas for the Rows and Columns classes. |
Represents a row selection. |
Represents base for the selection classes. |
Represents the state of the selection in the worksheet. |
Represents a sheet. |
Collection of Sheet. |
Sheet Arguments for the Changed event of the SheetCollection. |
Represents base for the WorksheetViewState class. |
Provides the default values of RadSpreadsheet. |
Represents a hyperlink in the RadSpreadsheet. |
Spreadsheet Describes the owner of a spreadsheet name collection. |
Exception related to the spreadsheet names. |
Represents the value of a cell which contains text. |
Represents a color which can be used in a theme. |
Represents a font family which can be used in a theme. |
Represents base for the RowWidth and ColumnWidth classes. |
A collection of sheets. |
Workbook Inheritor of System.Exception used when an WorkbookHasNoVisibleWorksheetException needs to be thrown. |
Workbook Inheritor of System.Exception used when an WorkbookNotInitializedException needs to be thrown. |
A two-dimensional grid of cells that are organized into rows and columns. |
A cell index in a specific worksheet. |
Represents a collection of worksheets. |
Represents a base class for table organization entities like rows, columns and cells. |
Represents a fragment of a worksheet. |
Represents the visible section of the worksheet. |
Describes the properties of a font. |
Represents size. |
Defines members for the cell value types. |
Defines members for the fill classes. |
Defines members for the FontProperties class. |
Defines members for the sheet classes. |
Represents the sheet editor. |
Defines members for the sheet view state classes. |
Defines members for the spreadsheet names classes. |
Defines the types of border styles. |
Defines the types of merge state of a cell. |
Defines the cell orientation types. |
Describes the types of cells. |
Describes the types of clear. |
Defines the types of color shade. |
Identifies the comparison operator. |
Represents the types of date units. |
Defines the types of find by options for the find and replace actions. |
Describes the types of find in content options for the find and replace actions. |
Defines the types of find within options for the find and replace actions. |
Describes the types of font languages. |
Describes the types of gradients. |
Describes the types of hyperlinks. |
Describes the types of cell shifting after insertion. |
Defines the states of a pane. |
Describes the paste types. |
Describes the types of patterns. |
Describes the types of horizontal alignments. |
Describes the types of vertical alignments. |
Describes the types of ranges. |
Describes the types of cell shifting after remove. |
Describes the types of change which can be applied to a sheet collection. |
Describes the possible types of sheets. |
Describes the different types of views for a worksheet. |
Describes the types of visibility of the sheets. |
Describes the types of shifting of the cells. |
Describes the possible types of underline. |