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Troubleshooting RadWindow Refusing to Connect


| Product | RadWindow for ASP.NET AJAX |


When using RadWindow in an ASP.NET AJAX application, you may experience issues where the RadWindow refuses to connect to certain websites, such as or This can be observed through error messages like " refused to connect" or " refused to connect".


This issue occurs because the and web sites are configured with the X-Frame-Options header set to SAMEORIGIN. This header restricts the display of the page in a frame to only pages with the same origin.

To resolve this issue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the DevTools console in your browser.
  2. Look for the error message similar to: Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.
  3. To display the restricted page in the RadWindow, you need to ensure that the page is loaded within a frame that has the same origin.
  4. If you have control over the website being loaded, you can modify the X-Frame-Options header to allow embedding the page in a frame from a different origin. However, please note that this is not recommended for security reasons.
  5. Alternatively, you can load the website in a separate browser window or tab instead of within the RadWindow.

Please note that modifying the X-Frame-Options header of external websites is not within your control. Therefore, if the website has this header set to SAMEORIGIN, you will not be able to display it within the RadWindow.

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