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Unable to Find Embedded Skin Error Occurs


Product Progress® Telerik® UI for ASP.NET AJAX


When working with Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX, I get an error that the embedded skin cannot be found.

Error Message

Telerik.Web.UI.[Telerik Control] with ID='[Telerik Control ID]' was unable to find embedded skin with name '[Skin Name]'. Please, make sure that you spelled the skin name correctly, or if you want to use a custom skin, set EnableEmbeddedSkins=false.


The possible reasons for this issue include the following:

  • As of Q3 2011, all built-in skins are located in the Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.dll assembly. The change was announced in a blog post with Q2 2011 and again with Q3 2011.

  • If you get this error after an upgrade to a later version, the most likely reason for the problem is that an issue has occurred with the Visual Studio Project references.


Depending on the use case, apply the respective approach to solve the issue:

  • (Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.dll assembly) Add the Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.dll assembly to your project. For more information, refer to this article.

  • (Visual Studio Project) Perform a manual upgrade.

Note that if for some reason you cannot resolve the error or you'd like to resolve it right away, you can set the Skins property to Default. This approach will solve the issue as the Default skin is located in the main Telerik.Web.UI.dll assembly.

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