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Using radconfirm() CallBackFunction to perform a postback


Product Telerik WebForms ToolBar for ASP.NET AJAX


Unlike the standard confim(), radconfirm() cannot block the execution of the thread (this is something that cannot be done with Javascript) and a CallBackFunction is needed.

The sample code snippet demonstrates a real-life scenario where when clicking one of the Toolbar's buttons we want to ask a confirmation from the user before performing the postback. RadWindowManager and RadToolbar are wrapped in RadAjaxPanel to avoid full page's postback.


The implementation of such scenario is relatively simple - when the user clicks on the button, we need to make a check what button is clicked and if it is the one which requires confirmation - cancel the postback and call radconfirm().

Once the user confirms the postback, in the radconfirm's CallBackFunction we will use __doPostBack() to send the information on the server:

    <%= RadToolbar1.ClientID %>.attachEvent("OnClientClick", "Toolbar_ClientClick");

    function Toolbar_ClientClick(sender, e) {
        if (sender.CommandName == "Delete") {
            radconfirm("Delete?", CallBackFn);
            return false;
        else {
            return true;

    function CallBackFn(arg) {
        if (arg) {
            __doPostBack("<%= RadToolbar1.UniqueID %>", "onclick#Delete");

In the __doPostBack() we are provide the following arguments:

  1. The UniqueID of the RadToolbar - this will allow us to reference the toolbar even if a MasterPage is used
  2. The RadToolBar command that we want to be executed.

And in the codebehind:

protected void RadToolbar1_OnClick(object sender, Telerik.WebControls.RadToolbarClickEventArgs e)  
    Message.Text = "You clicked " +  e.Button.CommandName + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss");  

DOWNLOAD the sample project:

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