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Open a RadWindow from a single SiteMapNode


Product Version 2020.1.219
Product RadSiteMap for ASP.NET AJAX


Open a RadWindow when clicking on a specific SiteMapNode of a RadSiteMap instead of navigating away.


The easiest way is to handle the click event of the specific nodes: 1. Add CSS class to the nodes that need to open in RadWindow in the NodeDataBound event of the SiteMap; 2. Handle the click event of the document. If the script will be loaded in the <head>, then it needs to be executed in the DOMContentLoaded event: Pure JavaScript equivalent of jQuery's $.ready() - how to call a function when the page/DOM is ready for it

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
    $telerik.$(window).click(function (ev) {
        var link = $telerik.$(
        if ("a") && link.parent().hasClass("open-radwindow")) {
            // cancel the default behavior of the link click

            // open window here...

}, false);
protected void RadSiteMap2_NodeDataBound(object sender, RadSiteMapNodeEventArgs e)
    // custom condition to add CSS class to nodes that need to open in RadWindow
    if (e.Node.Text == "RadEditor")
        e.Node.CssClass = "open-radwindow";

See Also

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