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Accessing Custom Attributes in RadSignature Client-Side


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RadSignature for ASP.NET AJAX all


I added a custom attribute to my RadSignature control. I want to use the custom attribute on the client side.

This KB article also answers the following questions:

  • How can I access a custom attribute of RadSignature in the client-side code?
  • What is the correct method to retrieve a custom attribute value from RadSignature using JavaScript?
  • Is it possible to use get_element().getAttribute() to read custom attributes of RadSignature?


To access custom attributes of the RadSignature control on the client side, use the get_element().getAttribute() method. This approach allows you to retrieve the value of any custom attribute that you have added to the RadSignature control.

Here is a step-by-step example showing how to set a custom attribute in the RadSignature control and access it using JavaScript:

  1. ASPX Markup: Define the RadSignature control with a custom attribute. Attach a client-side event handler to the OnLoad event.

    <telerik:RadSignature ID="RadSignature1" runat="server">
       <ClientEvents OnLoad="OnClientLoad" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
       function OnClientLoad(sender) {
  2. Code-behind (ASPX.CS): Set the value of the custom attribute in the code-behind file.

    RadSignature1.Attributes["CustomAttribute"] = "My Custom Attribute Value";
  3. Accessing the Custom Attribute: The custom attribute can now be accessed client-side using the OnClientLoad event handler, as shown in the JavaScript part of the ASPX markup. The get_element().getAttribute() method retrieves the value of the custom attribute.

By following these steps, you can successfully access custom attributes of the RadSignature control on the client side.

See Also

In this article