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Cache busting script references with RadScriptManager


The script files as any other external resources are being chached by the browsers. This often leads to using an older version of a script. Check out how you can implement custom cache busting for script references in RadScriptManager and control the script caching.


When custom scripts are referenced with the Path property of a ScriptReference we can use the ResolveScriptReference event of the RadScriptManager to dynamically modify the path and ensure the script is always loaded from the server and not from the browser's cache.

We can use a custom query string to manipulate the requested path to the script file:

<telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager1" runat="server" OnResolveScriptReference="RadScriptManager1_ResolveScriptReference">
        <telerik:RadScriptReference Path="~/scripts.js?cache-buster-v" />
protected void RadScriptManager1_ResolveScriptReference(object sender, ScriptReferenceEventArgs e)
    if (e.Script.Path.ToLower().EndsWith("cache-buster-v"))
        e.Script.Path += "=" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
Protected Sub RadScriptManager1_ResolveScriptReference(sender As Object, e As ScriptReferenceEventArgs)
    If (e.Script.Path.ToLower().EndsWith("cache-buster-v")) Then
        e.Script.Path += "=" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
    End If
End Sub

This way the script will be loaded with a custom query parameter that will help us ensure using the latest version of a script file:

<script src="scripts.js?cache-buster-v=2021-03-24" type="text/javascript"></script>

The same approach is also applicable with asp:ScriptManager.

Find a discussion about cache busting scripts and stylesheets in the following forum: How to force CSS to reload using RadStyleSheetManager?

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