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How to preserve the time of the appointments when exporting to iCalendar


How to preserve the time of the appointments when exporting to iCalendar regardless of the system's
CurrentTimeZone and RadScheduler's TimeZoneOffset value.


Refer to the iCalendar Export online example and modify the code for the AppointementCommand event as follows:

protected void RadScheduler1_AppointmentCommand(object sender, AppointmentCommandEventArgs e)        
            if (e.CommandName == "Export")        
                DateTime aptStart = DateTime.SpecifyKind(e.Container.Appointment.Start, DateTimeKind.Local);        
                TimeSpan aptStartOffset = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(aptStart) - RadScheduler1.TimeZoneOffset;        
                string iCal = RadScheduler.ExportToICalendar(e.Container.Appointment, aptStartOffset);        

Protected Sub RadScheduler1_AppointmentCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AppointmentCommandEventArgs) Handles RadScheduler1.AppointmentCommand     

            If e.CommandName = "Export" Then    
                Dim aptStart = DateTime.SpecifyKind(e.Container.Appointment.Start, DateTimeKind.Local)     
                Dim aptStartOffset As TimeSpan = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(aptStart) - RadScheduler1.TimeZoneOffset     
                Dim iCal As String = RadScheduler.ExportToICalendar(e.Container.Appointment, aptStartOffset)     


            End If    
        End Sub  
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