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Display an indicator at the current time


Product Telerik WebForms Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX


Using JavaScript to display an indicator at the current time when the Scheduler is configured to represent a 24 hours Timeline view.

Indicator of the current time in TimeLine view mode


First, configure the Scheduler to have 24 time slots in the Timeline view:

  • Set the NumberOfSlots property to 24.
  • Set the ColumnHeaderDateFormat property to HH:mm and the SlotDuration to 01:00:00


<telerik:RadScheduler runat="server" ID="RadScheduler1" GroupBy="Speaker" GroupingDirection="Vertical" DataSourceID="EventsDataSource"  
    DataKeyField="ID" DataSubjectField="Description" DataStartField="StartDate" DataEndField="EndDate" DataRecurrenceField="RecurrenceRule"
    DataRecurrenceParentKeyField="RecurrenceParentID" OnResourceHeaderCreated="RadScheduler1_ResourceHeaderCreated">
    <TimelineView ColumnHeaderDateFormat="HH:mm" SlotDuration="01:00:00" NumberOfSlots="24" EnableExactTimeRendering="true" />
        <telerik:ResourceType KeyField="SpeakerID" Name="Speaker" TextField="FullName" ForeignKeyField="SpeakerID"
    <TimeSlotContextMenuSettings EnableDefault="true"></TimeSlotContextMenuSettings>
    <AppointmentContextMenuSettings EnableDefault="true"></AppointmentContextMenuSettings>

Create an event listener using the Sys.Application.load Event and run the following JS code in the event handler, which creates a vertical line at the current time.


function markCurrentTime() {
    var scheduler = $find("<%= RadScheduler1.ClientID %>"); // Find your RadScheduler control
    var schedulerTable = $(scheduler.get_element()).find('.rsAllDayTable'); // Find the scheduler table
    var schedulerOffset = schedulerTable.offset().left; // Get the offset of the scheduler table
    var schedulerWidth = schedulerTable.width(); // Get the width of the scheduler table

    var currentTime = new Date(); // Get the current time

    var minutesSinceStartOfDay = currentTime.getHours() * 60 + currentTime.getMinutes(); // Calculate the position of the current time within the scheduler
    var pixelsPerMinute = schedulerWidth / (24 * 60); // Assuming your scheduler shows a full 24-hour day
    var currentPosition = minutesSinceStartOfDay * pixelsPerMinute;

    $(".current-time-indicator").remove(); // Remove the class so that it doesn't create multiple instances of lines 

    var schedulerDate = scheduler.get_selectedDate(); // Get the selected date

    var verticalHeader = $(".rsVerticalHeaderWrapper")[0].getBoundingClientRect() // Get the information about the size of the element
    var width = verticalHeader.width; // Get the width of the Resource Header

    if (schedulerDate.getDate() === currentTime.getDate() &&
        schedulerDate.getMonth() === currentTime.getMonth() &&
        schedulerDate.getFullYear() === currentTime.getFullYear()) { // Check to see if it's for today's date
        var $currentTimeIndicator = $('<div></div>') // Create the vertical line element
                'position': 'absolute',
                'top': 0,
                'left': schedulerOffset + currentPosition - width, // Subtract the widthn of the vertical header
                'height': schedulerTable.height(),
                'width': '5px',
                'background-color': 'red'

        schedulerTable.append($currentTimeIndicator); // Append the line to the scheduler
        setTimeout(markCurrentTime, 60000);
    Sys.Application.add_load(markCurrentTime); // Call the function on  when the page is fully loaded
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