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PanelBar SameSite Cookie warning


Product RadPanelBar for ASP.NET AJAX


The following error message is logged in the browser's console:

Cookie "RadPanelBar1" will be soon rejected because it has the "SameSite" attribute set to "None" or an invalid value, without the "secure" attribute. To know more about the "SameSite" attribute, read


The issue is observed in Mozilla FireFox and it was observed before in Chrome for some time.

It is due to the missing "SameSite" attribute for a cookie, so a default value is used. Many browser's changed the default value to the most secure one, while this option needs to be manually enabled in FireFox. Check this resource for more info - "Default to Lax" option:


Load the following script under the ScriptManager/RadScriptManager of the page:

if (Telerik.Web.UI.RadPanelBar) {
    Telerik.Web.UI.RadPanelBar.prototype._persistState = function () {
        var cookieValue = "{";
        if (this.get_selectedItem()) {
            cookieValue += "\"SelectedItems\":" + this._selectedItemsJson + ",";
        cookieValue += "\"ExpandedItems\":" + this._expandedItemsJson + "}";

        // Opera 9 and 10 don't recognize a cookie if there is " quote the name/value pair. Instead
        // ' quote should be used.
        document.cookie =
            (this.get_cookieName() + "=" + cookieValue + ";path=/;SameSite=Lax;expires=").replace(/"/g, "'");

See Also

In this article