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Product Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX


Below you can find links to forum posts containing localizations for different RadControls for ASP.NET Ajax provided by the community. If you have any new localizations for any RadControl and would like to share them with our community, you can send them via the support ticketing system under your account. You work will be gladly rewarded.

Note that some of the controls contains only English resource files included in the Telerik.Web.UI assembly, while other contain in addition French and German localizations. Telerik supports only the localizations available in the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX installation. All other localizations are provided by Customers and they could be incomplete or outdated.


Download the specified file and add the localization files into your project.

Global files

Brazil localization

Croation localization

Czech localization

Danish localization

Dutch localization

Hebrew localization

Hungarian localization

Italian localization

Japanese localization

Polish localization

Serbian localization

Slovac localization

Spanish localization

Turkish localization

Vietnamese localization

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