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Effortlessly Select Multiple Items Beyond Visible Area with Mouse
Product | RadListBox for ASP.NET AJAX |
The solution provided below shows how to select and scroll RadListBox items with the mouse. It will allow you to simply click and hold the left mouse button to expand the selection in the desired top or bottom location, and the control will automatically scroll to reveal and highlight invisible items as needed.
The code below demonstrates a solution for achieving the desired behavior in the RadListBox control leveraging the mousedown, mouseup and mousemove client events:
<telerik:RadCodeBlock ID="radCodeBlock2" runat="server">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var $ = $telerik.$;
function pageLoad(sender, args) {
var listboxE = $find('<%= lbE.ClientID %>');
var listboxElement = $(listboxE.get_element()).find(".rlbGroup")[0];
mousedown: function () {
mouseup: function () {
type: Telerik.Web.UI.ListBoxCommand.SelectedIndexChanged
mousemove: function (e) {
if (e.buttons > 0) { // Check to see if mouse button is clicked
var offsetY = e.clientY - listboxElement.getBoundingClientRect().top;
var scrollThreshold = 35; // Adjust this value as needed
if (offsetY < scrollThreshold) {
listboxElement.scrollTop -= scrollThreshold - offsetY;
} else if (offsetY > listboxElement.clientHeight - scrollThreshold) {
listboxElement.scrollTop += offsetY - (listboxElement.clientHeight - scrollThreshold);
<telerik:RadListBox runat="server" ID="lbE" width="665px" Height="170px" SelectionMode="Multiple" AutoPostBack="True">
<telerik:RadListBoxItem Text="Item1" />
<telerik:RadListBoxItem Text="Item2" />
<telerik:RadListBoxItem Text="Item3" />
<telerik:RadListBoxItem Text="Item4" />
<telerik:RadListBoxItem Text="Item5" />
<telerik:RadListBoxItem Text="Item6" />
<telerik:RadListBoxItem Text="Item7" />
<telerik:RadListBoxItem Text="Item8" />
<telerik:RadListBoxItem Text="Item9" />
<telerik:RadListBoxItem Text="Item10" />
<telerik:RadListBoxItem Text="Item11" />