Set Default Insert Value When Adding New Records in RadGrid
When the user creates new records in RadGrid, you may want to present them with pre-set default values to make it more convenient to fill up the form.
For most of the data-type columns like GridBoundColumn, GridNumericColumn, etc., you can set the DefaultInsertValue property:
<telerik:GridNumericColumn ... DefaultInsertValue="0">
The alternative approach is to access the generated edit controls and set their initial value manually:
Accessing Controls in Edit/Insert Mode
You can use the approach demonstrated here to determine whether the item is in edit or insert mode:
Distinguish Edit or Insert Mode
The alternative approach for Batch editing is different since this mode is different than other server-side based modes:
Accessing Controls in Batch Edit Mode
Therefore, with Batch editing you can use the following event handler to achieve this requirement by accessing the generated controls on client-side using jQuery: