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Sizing the Upload Container in RadFileExplorer for ASP.NET AJAX


Property Value
Product RadFileExplorer for ASP.NET AJAX
Version 2023.3.1010


To make the upload container in RadFileExplorer look more user-friendly and adjust its size, you can follow these steps:

  1. Apply a CSS class to reduce the space between the File Selector and the infopanel.
  2. Resize the Upload dialog programmatically using the OnClientButtonClicked toolbar event.


Apply the following CSS class to reduce the space between the File Selector and the infopanel:

.rfeUploadContainer .RadUpload .ruInputs {
    height: 41px !important;

Next, resize the Upload dialog programmatically using the OnClientButtonClicked toolbar event. Here's an example in both VB.NET and JavaScript:


RadFileExplorer1.ToolBar.OnClientButtonClicked = "OnToolBarButtonClicked";
RadFileExplorer1.ToolBar.OnClientButtonClicked = "OnToolBarButtonClicked"


function OnToolBarButtonClicked(oToolbar, args) {
    var toolbarItem = args.get_item();

    if (toolbarItem.get_value() === "Upload") {
        // Upload is clicked
        setTimeout(function () {
            var explorer = $find("<%=RadFileExplorer1.ClientID%>");
            var wndManager = explorer.get_windowManager(); // Get reference to RadFileExplorer's window manager
            var wnd = wndManager.getActiveWindow(); // Get reference to the upload dialog's window
            wnd.set_height(480); // Specify the desired dialog height
        }, 100);

By applying the CSS class and resizing the dialog, you can adjust the size of the upload container in RadFileExplorer to make it look more presentable in your application.


  • Make sure to replace <%=RadFileExplorer1.ClientID%> with the actual ID of your RadFileExplorer control in the JavaScript code.
  • Adjust the height value in the JavaScript code (wnd.set_height(480)) to fit your desired dialog height.

See Also

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