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RadEditor block item not inserted to where cursor is using PasteHtml


Product RadEditor for ASP.NET AJAX


The PasteHtml function does not paste the content inside the selected block element. Use the provided override to fix the problem.


To achieve the desired behavior to always paste the content inside the selected block element you have to apply the following override which is discussed in the following forum thread -> Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.NestedElementsFix.prototype.applyFix = function () { };, e.g.

                Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.NestedElementsFix.prototype.applyFix = function () { };

                function addControl(edId) {
                    var ed = $find(edId); //edId=EditorControlClientID

                    var tag = '';
                    tag = '<table style="display: inline;" cellspacing="1" >';
                    tag = tag + '<tbody><tr><td>';
                    tag = tag + '<input type="checkbox"  />';
                    tag = tag + '<label>Check Box</label>';
                    tag = tag + '</td></tr>';
                    tag = tag + '</tbody></table>';

            <asp:Button ID="Button1" Text="paste at cursor position"  OnClientClick="addControl('RadEditorControl'); return false;" runat="server"  />

            <telerik:RadEditor Skin="Silk" EnableEmbeddedSkins="true"  NewLineMode="Br" runat="server" Height="600px" width="100%" ID="RadEditorControl" UseRadContextMenu="false" >
                    <table id="test::::5"  cellspacing="1">
                                <td><input type="checkbox" /><label>Check Box</label></td>
                    <telerik:EditorModule Name="RadEditorHtmlInspector" Visible="true" />
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