Add a combobox to RadEditor tools collection
Product | RadEditor for ASP.NET AJAX |
In specific scenarios, the developer may want to replace the built-in tools with custom ones, for example, to replace a RadEditor dropdown with RadComboBox which offers filtering out-of-the-box.
You can use the code below to put RadComboBox before a custom dropdown of RadEditor on the toolbar and after that hide the custom one:
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="RadComboBox1" runat="server" Height="240px" Width="150px" Filter="StartsWith" OnClientSelectedIndexChanging="OnClientSelectedIndexChanging" OnClientKeyPressing="OnClientKeyPressing">
<telerik:RadComboBoxItem Text="Item1" Value="Item1" />
<telerik:RadComboBoxItem Text="Item2" Value="Item2" />
<telerik:RadComboBoxItem Text="Item3" Value="Item3" />
<telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad">
<telerik:EditorTool Name="Bold" />
<telerik:EditorTool Name="Italic" />
<telerik:EditorTool Name="Underline" />
<telerik:EditorDropDown Name="CustomDropdown" Width="160px" />
<telerik:EditorTool Name="LinkManager" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnClientLoad(editor) {
//get a reference to the combo wrapper
var combo = $find("<%=RadComboBox1.ClientID%>");
var comboWrapper = combo.get_element();
//get a reference to the custom dropdown tool and its parent element
var customDropdown = editor.getToolByName("CustomDropdown").get_element();
var parentCustomTool = customDropdown.parentNode;
//insert the combobox before the custom dropdown
parentCustomTool.insertBefore(comboWrapper, customDropdown);
//hide the custom dropdown = "none";
function OnClientSelectedIndexChanging(sender, args) {
var editor = $find("<%=RadEditor1.ClientID%>");
function OnClientKeyPressing(sender, eventArgs) {
if (eventArgs.get_domEvent().keyCode == 13) {
var item = sender.findItemByText(sender.get_text());
if (item);