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Independent files manager


Product Telerik WebForms Editor for ASP.NET AJAX


this article aims to provide a solution for implementation of an independent file manager.


In this sample, an use of image and documents manager dialogs are defined outside the Editor, so that it can support multi images/documents in a single page.

<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="ImageTextBox1" Width="400px"></asp:TextBox>
<button onclick="OpenDialog('ImageTextBox1', 'DialogOpener1', 'ImageManager');return false;">Open ImageManager1</button><br />
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="ImageTextBox2" Width="400px"></asp:TextBox>
<button onclick="OpenDialog('ImageTextBox2', 'DialogOpener1', 'ImageManager');return false;">Open ImageManager2</button><br />
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="ImageTextBox3" Width="400px"></asp:TextBox>
<button onclick="OpenDialog('ImageTextBox3', 'DialogOpener1', 'ImageManager');return false;">Open ImageManager3</button><br />
<telerik:DialogOpener runat="server" ID="DialogOpener1" Skin="Telerik"></telerik:DialogOpener>
<br />
<button onclick="OpenDialog('ImageTextBox1', 'DialogOpener1', 'DocumentManager');return false;">Open Document Manager</button>
<button onclick="OpenDialog('ImageTextBox1', 'DialogOpener1', 'FlashManager');return false;">Open Flash Manager</button>
var callBackControl = "";

function OpenDialog(currentCallBackControl, dialog, type) {
    callBackControl = currentCallBackControl;

function ImageManagerFunction(sender, args) {
    var selectedItem = args.SelectedItem;
    var resultImageObject = args.Result;

    var txt = $get(callBackControl);
    if (document.all) {
        txt.value = selectedItem.getPath();
    else {
        txt.value = selectedItem.getPath();

function DocumentManagerFunction(sender, args) {
    var selectedItem = args.SelectedItem;
    var resultDocumentObject = args.Result;

    var txt = $get(callBackControl);
    if (document.all) {
        txt.value = selectedItem.getPath();;
    else {
        txt.value = selectedItem.getPath();
function FlashManagerFunction(sender, args) {
    var selectedItem = args.SelectedItem;
    var resultDocumentObject = args.Result;
    var txt = $get(callBackControl);

    if (document.all) {
        txt.value = selectedItem.getPath();
    else {
        txt.value = selectedItem.getPath();
using Telerik.Web.UI;
using Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.DialogControls;

/// <summary>
/// Summary description for DialogOpenerHandler
/// </summary>
public static class DialogOpenerHandler
    public static void SetDocumentDialog(DialogOpener dialogOpener, string baseUrl)
        FileManagerDialogParameters documentManagerParameters = new FileManagerDialogParameters();
        documentManagerParameters.ViewPaths = new string[] { baseUrl };
        documentManagerParameters.UploadPaths = new string[] { baseUrl };
        documentManagerParameters.DeletePaths = new string[] { baseUrl };
        documentManagerParameters.MaxUploadFileSize = 5000000;

        DialogDefinition documentManager = new DialogDefinition(typeof(DocumentManagerDialog), documentManagerParameters);
        documentManager.ClientCallbackFunction = "DocumentManagerFunction";
        documentManager.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(694);
        documentManager.Height = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(440);

        dialogOpener.DialogDefinitions.Add("DocumentManager", documentManager);

    public static void SetFlashDialog(DialogOpener dialogOpener, string baseUrl)
        FileManagerDialogParameters documentManagerParameters = new FileManagerDialogParameters();
        documentManagerParameters.ViewPaths = new string[] { baseUrl };
        documentManagerParameters.UploadPaths = new string[] { baseUrl };
        documentManagerParameters.DeletePaths = new string[] { baseUrl };
        documentManagerParameters.MaxUploadFileSize = 5000000;

        DialogDefinition documentManager = new DialogDefinition(typeof(FlashManagerDialog), documentManagerParameters);
        documentManager.ClientCallbackFunction = "FlashManagerFunction";
        documentManager.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(694);
        documentManager.Height = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(440);

        dialogOpener.DialogDefinitions.Add("FlashManager", documentManager);

    public static void SetImageDialog(DialogOpener dialogOpener, string baseUrl)
        FileManagerDialogParameters imageManagerParameters = new FileManagerDialogParameters();
        imageManagerParameters.ViewPaths = new string[] { baseUrl };
        imageManagerParameters.UploadPaths = new string[] { baseUrl };
        imageManagerParameters.DeletePaths = new string[] { baseUrl };
        imageManagerParameters.MaxUploadFileSize = 5000000;
        // If you don't set the following property, the default value will be used   
        // imageManagerParameters.SearchPatterns = new string[] { "*.jpg" };   
        DialogDefinition imageManager = new DialogDefinition(typeof(ImageManagerDialog), imageManagerParameters);
        imageManager.ClientCallbackFunction = "ImageManagerFunction";
        imageManager.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(694);
        imageManager.Height = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(440);

        dialogOpener.DialogDefinitions.Add("ImageManager", imageManager);

        FileManagerDialogParameters imageEditorParameters = new FileManagerDialogParameters();
        imageEditorParameters.ViewPaths = new string[] { baseUrl };
        imageEditorParameters.UploadPaths = new string[] { baseUrl };
        imageEditorParameters.DeletePaths = new string[] { baseUrl };
        imageEditorParameters.MaxUploadFileSize = 5000000;

        DialogDefinition imageEditor = new DialogDefinition(typeof(ImageEditorDialog), imageEditorParameters);
        imageEditor.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(832);
        imageEditor.Height = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(520);
        dialogOpener.DialogDefinitions.Add("ImageEditor", imageEditor);

This C# code defines a static class named DialogOpenerHandler with several methods for setting up different types of dialogs for use with Telerik controls. Let's break down each method:

  • SetDocumentDialog: This method configures a dialog for managing documents. It sets up a FileManagerDialogParameters object with specific view, upload, and delete paths, as well as a maximum upload file size. Then, it creates a DialogDefinition object for a DocumentManagerDialog with these parameters, specifying a client callback function, width, and height. Finally, it adds this DialogDefinition to the DialogOpener object passed as a parameter.

  • SetFlashDialog: Similar to SetDocumentDialog, this method configures a dialog for managing Flash content. It follows the same pattern of setting up FileManagerDialogParameters and DialogDefinition for a FlashManagerDialog and adds it to the provided DialogOpener.

  • SetImageDialog: This method sets up two dialogs related to managing images. The first part configures a dialog for browsing and selecting images, using FileManagerDialogParameters and DialogDefinition for an ImageManagerDialog. The second part configures a dialog for editing images, using FileManagerDialogParameters and DialogDefinition for an ImageEditorDialog. Both dialogs have specific paths and a maximum upload file size set.

In this article