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Begin typing without the unwanted styles inserted by the pasteHtml method to be applied to the input


Begin typing without the unwanted styles and formatting inserted by the pasteHtml method to be applied to user input text


After I perform the following client script on the RadEditor, how do I begin typing without the styles from newly inserted tag to be applied to user input text?

editor.pasteHtml("Red colored span");

In other words, after I paste the tag, it should be self-contained and when I start typing again, I want to be outside the newly created span.

I would also like a space after the newly created tag but nothing I do seems to visually show a space. If I paste   it gets inserted to the html but visually in content area, there is no space.


The idea is to insert a marker element
, to programmatically select it to move the caret over it and to remove it:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function InsertSpan() {
        var editor = $find("<%=RadEditor1.ClientID%>");
        editor.pasteHtml("<span style='color:red;'>Red colored span</span> <span id='_reSelectionMarker'><br /></span>");
        var marker = editor.findContent("#_reSelectionMarker").get(0); //get the marker
        marker.parentNode.removeChild(marker); //remove the marker
        var range = editor.getDomRange();
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