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Validating Both Dates in RadDateRangePicker for ASP.NET AJAX


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RadDateRangePicker for ASP.NET AJAX All


When working with the RadDateRangePicker control, it's necessary to validate that the user has selected both a start and an end date. This article demonstrates how to validate the date selection within the RadDateRangePicker control.

This KB article also answers the following questions:

  • How can I ensure a user selects both dates in RadDateRangePicker?
  • What is the method for validating date selection in RadDateRangePicker?
  • How do I prevent form submission without both dates selected in RadDateRangePicker?


To validate that both the start and end dates are selected in the RadDateRangePicker control, follow these steps:

  1. Include the DateRangePicker and a Button control in your ASPX page.
<telerik:RadDateRangePicker runat="server" ID="DateRangePicker1"  />

<telerik:RadButton RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" Text="Save" ID="Button1" OnClientClicked="onClientClicked" />
  1. Implement the client-side validation logic in JavaScript to check if both dates are selected. If not, display an alert message to the user.
function onClientClicked(sender, args) {
    var dateRangePicker = $find("<%= DateRangePicker1.ClientID %>");
    var startDate = dateRangePicker.get_startDatePicker().get_selectedDate();
    var endDate = dateRangePicker.get_endDatePicker().get_selectedDate();

    if (!startDate || !endDate) {
        alert("Please select both start and end dates.");
        return false;
    return true;

By following these steps, you can effectively ensure that both the start and end dates are selected in the RadDateRangePicker control before proceeding with any further action, such as form submission.

See Also

In this article