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It is possible to increase the flexibility of the RadWindowManager and RadWindow by configuring them dynamically in the code-behind, based on external conditions on the page. The code below shows:

  • Looping through the Windows collection of a RadWindowManager

  • Setting properties to RadWindowManager and RadWindow objects

  • Creating a new RadWindow dynamically and adding it to the RadWindowManager Windows collection or as a separate control in the form (for ASP.NET AJAX feature only)

  • Retrieving a window from the RadWindowManager Windows collection and configuring it.

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    //Set properties present only in RadWindowManager
    //Set skin
    WindowManager.Skin = "Monochrome";
    //Set the same height to all windows
    WindowManager.Height = Unit.Pixel(250);
    int offsetLeft = 0;
    //Loop through all windows in the WindowManager.Windows collection
    foreach (Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindow win in WindowManager.Windows)
        //Set whether the first window will be visible on page load
        win.VisibleOnPageLoad = true;
        //Set the behavior (whether the window will allow to be minimized, maximized and/or pinned)
        win.Behaviors = Telerik.Web.UI.WindowBehaviors.Maximize | Telerik.Web.UI.WindowBehaviors.Close;

        //Set OffsetElementId - the id (ClientID if a runat=server is used) of a html element, which, when clicked, will automatically open/show the Telerik RadWindow
        win.OffsetElementID = "OffsetElement";
        //Top and Left can be used in conjunction with the OffsetElementId (if no OffsetElementId is specified, the top left corner of the browser window is used
        win.Top = 15;
        win.Left = offsetLeft;
        offsetLeft += 100;

    //Create a new window add it dynamically
    //The window will inherit the default settings of parent WindowManager
    Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindow newWindow = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindow();
    newWindow.NavigateUrl = "";
    //Set OpenerElementId - the id (ClientID if a runat=server is used) of a html element, which, when clicked, will automatically open/show the Telerik RadWindow
    newWindow.OpenerElementID = OpenerButton.ClientID;
    //Set OffsetElementID - the id (ClientID if a runat=server is used) of a html element, whose left and top position will be used as 0,0 of the Telerik RadWindow object when it is first shown
    newWindow.OffsetElementID = OpenerButton.ClientID;
    //Top and Left can be used in conjunction with the OffsetElementId (if no OffsetElementId is specified, the top left corner of the browser window is used
    newWindow.Top = Unit.Pixel(22);
    newWindow.Left = Unit.Pixel(0);
    //OPTION 1
    //Add the newly created RadWindow to the RadWindowManager's collection
    //OPTION 2
    //since in the for ASP.NET AJAX version you can have a RadWindow outside of a RadWindowManager
    //as a separate control, you can add the newly created RadWindow directly to the form's Controls collection

    //Get a reference to the first window in the list
    Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindow firstWindow = WindowManager.Windows[0];
    //Set its navigate URl to be different
    firstWindow.NavigateUrl = "";
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    'Set properties present only in RadWindowManager
    'Set skin
    WindowManager.Skin = "Monochrome"
    'Set the same height to all windows
    WindowManager.Height = Unit.Pixel(250)
    Dim offsetLeft As Integer = 0
    'Loop through all windows in the WindowManager.Windows collection
    For Each win As Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindow In WindowManager.Windows
        'Set whether the first window will be visible on page load
        win.VisibleOnPageLoad = True
        'Set the behavior (whether the window will allow to be minimized, maximized and/or pinned)
        win.Behaviors = Telerik.Web.UI.WindowBehaviors.Maximize Or Telerik.Web.UI.WindowBehaviors.Close
        'Set OffsetElementId - the id (ClientID if a runat=server is used) of a html element, which, when clicked, will automatically open/show the Telerik RadWindow
        win.OffsetElementID = "OffsetElement"

        'Top and Left can be used in conjunction with the OffsetElementId (if no OffsetElementId is specified, the top left corner of the browser window is used
        win.Top = 15
        win.Left = offsetLeft
        offsetLeft += 100

    'Create a new window add it dynamically
    'The window will inherit the default settings of parent WindowManager
    Dim newWindow As New Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindow()
    newWindow.NavigateUrl = ""
    'Set OpenerElementId - the id (ClientID if a runat=server is used) of a html element, which, when clicked, will automatically open/show the Telerik RadWindow
    newWindow.OpenerElementID = OpenerButton.ClientID
    'Set OffsetElementID - the id (ClientID if a runat=server is used) of a html element, whose left and top position will be used as 0,0 of the Telerik RadWindow object when it is first shown
    newWindow.OffsetElementID = OpenerButton.ClientID
    'Top and Left can be used in conjunction with the OffsetElementId (if no OffsetElementId is specified, the top left corner of the browser window is used
    newWindow.Top = Unit.Pixel(22)
    newWindow.Left = Unit.Pixel(0)
    'OPTION 1
    'Add the newly created RadWindow to the RadWindowManager's collection
    'OPTION 2
    'since in the for ASP.NET AJAX version you can have a RadWindow outside of a RadWindowManager
    'as a separate control, you can add the newly created RadWindow directly to the form's Controls collection

    'Get a reference to the first window in the list
    Dim firstWindow As Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindow = WindowManager.Windows(0)
    'Set its navigate URl to be different
    firstWindow.NavigateUrl = ""
End Sub 
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