Accessing Cells and Items
There are various ways to access the different items of the RadTreeList control.The most important ones are shown below.
Accessing TreeListDataItems and their values
You can access the RadTreeList data items either using the item events of the control(ItemCreated, ItemDataBound, ItemCommand) or by looping through its Items collection when it is available.
//e is the event argument object
if (e.Item is TreeListDataItem)
TreeListDataItem item = e.Item as TreeListDataItem;
If TypeOf e.Item Is TreeListDataItem Then
Dim item As TreeListDataItem = CType(e.Item, TreeListDataItem)
End If
foreach (TreeListDataItem item in RadTreeList1.Items)
//perform some action with the data item
For Each item As TreeListDataItem In RadTreeList1.Items
'perform some action with the data item
Once you get hold of a certain data item, you can access its cells by using the UniqueName property of the column that the cell belongs to.
TableCell cell = dataItem["ColumnUniqueName"]; //where dataItem is an object of type TreeListDataItem
Dim cell As TableCell = dataItem("ColumnUniqueName") 'where dataItem is an object of type TreeListDataItem
With bound columns you can use the Textproperty to get the value of the cell.
string itemValue = cell.Text;
Dim itemValue As String = cell.Text
For values in TreeListTemplateColumns you will need to find the control in the treelist cell (either using the FindControl() method or the Controls collection of the cell) and extract its value.
string title = (dataItem["ColumnUniqueName"].FindControl("Label1") as Label).Text;
Dim title As String = CType(dataItem("ColumnUniqueName").FindControl("Label1"), Label).Text
In case you want to access a checkbox in a TreeListCheckBoxColumn, you will be able to get hold of it through the cell's Controls collection.
CheckBox chk = dataItem["Qualifies"].Controls[0] as CheckBox;
Dim chk As CheckBox = CType(dataItem("Qualifies").Controls(0), CheckBox)
If you need to get hold of the expand/collapse button in the treelist data item you can do so by using FindControl() having in mind that the button id is "ExpandCollapseButton":
if (dataItem.FindControl("ExpandCollapseButton") != null)
Button btn = dataItem.FindControl("ExpandCollapseButton") as Button;
If Not dataItem.FindControl("ExpandCollapseButton") Is Nothing Then
Dim btn As Button = CType(dataItem.FindControl("ExpandCollapseButton"), Button)
End If
Accessing the TreeListHeaderItem
You can use the ItemCreated and ItemDataBound events Of RadTreeListto get hold of the header.
if (e.Item is TreeListHeaderItem)
TreeListHeaderItem header = e.Item as TreeListHeaderItem;
TableCell headerCell = header["ColumnUniqueName"] as TableCell;
If TypeOf e.Item Is TreeListHeaderItem Then
Dim header As TreeListHeaderItem = TryCast(e.Item, TreeListHeaderItem)
End If
Same as with the TreeListDataItem, you can access the separate cells by using the UniqueName of the column in question.
TableCell headerCell = header["ColumnUniqueName"] as TableCell;
Dim headerCell As TableCell = CType(header("ColumnUniqueName"), TableCell)
Accessing the TreeListPagerItem
You can use the same approach to get hold of the pager as for the header:
if (e.Item is TreeListPagerItem)
TreeListPagerItem pager = e.Item as TreeListPagerItem;
pager.PagerContentCell.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.AliceBlue;
If TypeOf e.Item Is TreeListPagerItem Then
Dim pager As TreeListPagerItem = CType(e.Item, TreeListPagerItem)
pager.PagerContentCell.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.AliceBlue
End If
Accessing the TreeListDetailTemplateItem
The ItemCreated and ItemDataBound events are the place where you can access the TreeListDetailTemplateItem as well.
if (e.Item is TreeListDetailTemplateItem)
TreeListDetailTemplateItem detailItem = e.Item as TreeListDetailTemplateItem;
Label lbl = detailItem.FindControl("Label1") as Label;
If TypeOf e.Item Is TreeListDetailTemplateItem Then
Dim detailItem As TreeListDetailTemplateItem = TryCast(e.Item, TreeListDetailTemplateItem)
End If
After that you can use the FindControl() method to get reference to the controls specified in the template.
Label lbl = detailItem.FindControl("Label1") as Label;
Dim lbl As Label = CType(detailItem.FindControl("Label1"), Label)
Accessing the TreeListNoRecordsItem
You can access the item rendered when the treelist is bound to an empty data source again the same way:
if (e.Item is TreeListNoRecordsItem)
TreeListNoRecordsItem noRecordsItem = e.Item as TreeListNoRecordsItem;
If TypeOf e.Item Is TreeListNoRecordsItem Then
Dim detailItem As TreeListNoRecordsItem = TryCast(e.Item, TreeListNoRecordsItem)
End If
Finding a TreeListDataItem by Key Value
RadTreeList provides a method to search for an existing item via the data key values of the underlying record. This method supports both key and parent key parameters.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TreeListDataItem item = RadTreeList1.FindItemByKeyValue("RecordID", 3);
Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim item As TreeListDataItem = RadTreeList1.FindItemByKeyValue("RecordID", 3)
End Sub
If no items are found, the method returns null. In case there are multiple records matching the parameters, the method will return only the first item.