Image Tile
A RadImageTile uses an image as the primary content of the tile. It begins from 0,0 and can be as large as the tile. If it is larger it will be clipped. Unlike the ImageAndText tile it has no text and the Title element is not limited to a smaller size.
The examples below show specific functionality for the given tile type, for more information on the general options for navigation and selecting please examine the additional resources at the end of the article.
RadTileList example:
<telerik:RadTileList RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadTileList1" Skin="Metro">
<telerik:RadImageTile ImageUrl="img_documentation.png" Shape="Wide">
<Title Text="Documentation"></Title>
Standalone Tile example:
<telerik:RadImageTile ID="Tile1" runat="server" ImageUrl="img_documentation.png" Shape="Wide">
<Title Text="Documentation"></Title>
Where img_documentation.png is 310x150px.