CSS Skin File Selectors
The following table lists the CSS selectors and descriptions for RadTabStrip style sheets.
Class Name | Element | Description |
RadTabStrip_[Skin]e.g. RadTabStrip_ Outlook | DIV | Applied to the root element of the tab strip. |
RadTabStrip_[Skin]_tabstrip-rtl | DIV | Applied to the root element of the tab strip when it has a right-to-left orientation. |
RadTabStripTop_[Skin] | DIV | Applied to the root element of the tab strip when it has a "HorizontalTop" orientation. |
RadTabStripBottom_[Skin] | DIV | Applied to the root element of the tab strip when it has a "HorizontalBottom" orientation. |
RadTabStripLeft_[Skin] | DIV | Applied to the root element of the tab strip when it has a "VerticalLeft" orientation. |
RadTabStripRight_[Skin] | DIV | Applied to the root element of the tab strip when it has a "VerticalRight" orientation. |
RadTabStrip_[Skin]_disabled | DIV | Applied to the root element of the tab strip when the entire control is disabled. |
.rtsLevel | DIV | Applied to the container for a set of tabs at a single level. |
.rtsLevel[n] | DIV | Applied to tab containers at the respective level. The root level is level 1, the next level is level 2, and so on. |
.rtsUL | UL | Applied to the UL element that contains the tabs for a level. |
.rtsScroll | UL | Applied to the UL element that contains the tabs for a level when the parent has enabled scrolling. |
.rtsLI | LI | Applied to the LI element that represents a single tab. |
.rtsFirst | LI | Applied to the LI element for the first tab at a level. |
.rtsLast | LI | Applied to the LI element for the last tab at a level. |
.rtsSeparator | LI | Applied to the LI element for a separator. |
.rtsBreak | LI | Applied to the LI element that is inserted when the previous tab has its IsBreak property set to True . |
.rtsLink | A | Applied to the anchor element of a tab. |
.rtsBefore | A | Applied to the anchor element of the tab before the selected tab. |
.rtsSelected | A | Applied to the anchor element for the selected tab. |
.rtsAfter | A | Applied to the anchor element for the tab after the selected tab. |
.rtsDisabled | A | Applied to the anchor element for the tab when it is disabled. |
.rtsLink:hover | A | Applied to the anchor element for the tab when the mouse hovers over it. |
.rtsNextArrow | A | Applied to the scroll button that shows the next tabs. |
.rtsPrevArrow | A | Applied to the scroll button that shows the previous tabs. |
.rtsNextArrowDisabled | A | Applied to the scroll button that shows the next tabs when it is disabled (there are no more tabs). |
.rtsPrevArrowDisabled | A | Applied to the scroll button that shows the previous tabs when it is disabled (the tabs are not scrolled). |
.rtsOut | SPAN | Applied to the outer span that contains the tab label and image. |
.rtsIn | SPAN | Applied to the inner span that contains the tab label and image. |
.rtsTxt | SPAN | Applied to the span that contains the tab's text. |
.rtsImg | IMG | Applied to the image element that contains the image on the tab. |