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Getting Started

The following tutorial demonstrates how to set up a page with a RadSwitch control and use its OnCheckedChanged server event:

  1. In the default page of a new ASP.NET AJAX-enabled Web Application add a RadSwitch control:


    <telerik:RadSwitch ID="RadSwitch1" runat="server">
  2. Set the Text of the RadSwitch Toggle states (unless you want them empty)


    <telerik:RadSwitch runat="server" ID="RadSwitch1" Value="0" CommandArgument="arg1">
            <ToggleStateOff Text="No" />
            <ToggleStateOn Text="Yes" />
  3. Add a Label to show a text associated with RadSwitch


    <telerik:RadLabel ID="switchLabel" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="RadSwitch1" Text="I agree to the Terms & Conditions."></telerik:RadLabel>
  4. To hook to the OnCheckedChanged server-side event of RadSwitch add an attribute to the main control tag and add the method signature:


    <telerik:RadSwitch runat="server" ID="RadSwitch1" Value="0" CommandArgument="arg1" OnCheckedChanged="RadSwitch1_CheckedChanged">
            <ToggleStateOff Text="No" />
            <ToggleStateOn Text="Yes" />


    protected void RadSwitch1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


    Protected Sub RadSwitch1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    End Sub
  5. Add a Label control to write the information to:


    <telerik:RadLabel ID="Label1" runat="server"></telerik:RadLabel>
  6. Use the CheckedChanged event handler to write information about the switch properties:


    protected void RadSwitch1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var switchObj = sender as RadSwitch;
        var currentText = (bool)switchObj.Checked ? switchObj.ToggleStates.ToggleStateOn.Text : switchObj.ToggleStates.ToggleStateOff.Text;
        string data = string.Format("current text: {0}, current value {1}, current command argument: {2}, checked: {3}",
                                    currentText, switchObj.Value, switchObj.CommandArgument, switchObj.Checked);
        Label1.Text = data;


    Protected Sub RadSwitch1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim switchObj = TryCast(sender, RadSwitch)
        Dim currentText = If(CBool(switchObj.Checked), switchObj.ToggleStates.ToggleStateOn.Text, switchObj.ToggleStates.ToggleStateOff.Text)
        Dim data As String = String.Format("current text: {0}, current value {1}, current command argument: {2}, checked: {3}", currentText, switchObj.Value, switchObj.CommandArgument, switchObj.Checked)
        Label1.Text = data
    End Sub

See Also

In this article