RadPane Object
The following table lists the important RadPane client-side methods:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
collapse | integer | boolean | Collapses the pane in the specified direction - 1: Forward; 2: Backward. Returns true on success, false otherwise. |
expand | integer | boolean | Expands the pane in the specified direction - 1: Forward; 2: Backward. Returns true on success, false otherwise. |
get_collapsed | none | boolean | Returns true if the pane is collapsed, false if it is expanded. |
resize | integer, integer | none | Resizes the pane by the number of pixels given as the first argument in the direction given by the second argument (1 = backward, 2=forward). Note: This method should be also used to resize a RadSlidingPane which is docked in the RadPane. |
getVarSize | none | integer | Returns the size of the pane in the resizable direction. |
setVarSize | integer | none | Sets the size of the pane in the resizable direction. |
get_width | none | integer | Returns the width of the pane. |
get_height | none | integer | Returns the height of the pane. |
getVarMinSize | none | integer | Returns the minimum size of the pane in the resizable direction. |
get_minWidth | none | integer | Returns the minimum width of the pane. |
set_minWidth | integer | none | Sets the minimum width of the pane |
get_minHeight | none | integer | Returns the minimum height of the pane |
set_minHeight | integer | none | Sets the minimum height of the pane. |
getVarMaxSize | none | integer | Returns the maximum size of the pane in the resizable direction. |
get_maxWidth | none | integer | Returns the maximum width of the pane. |
set_maxWidth | integer | none | Sets the maximum width of the pane. |
get_maxHeight | none | integer | Returns the maximum height of the pane. |
set_maxHeight | integer | none | Sets the maximum height of the pane. |
getInnerWidth | none | integer | Returns the width of the pane, excluding borders. This is the width that is available for content. |
getInnerHeight | none | integer | Returns the height of the pane, excluding borders. This is the height that is available for content. |
lock | none | none | Locks the pane, so that it is not resizable and not collapsible. |
unlock | none | none | Unlocks the pane, so that it can be resized or collapsed. |
isLocked | none | boolean | Returns whether the pane is locked. |
get_locked | none | boolean | Returns whether the pane is locked. |
set_locked | boolean | none | Sets whether the pane is locked. |
isSplitterContainer | none | boolean | Returns true if the pane content consists of a nested splitter, false otherwise. |
isExternalContent | none | boolean | Returns true if the pane's content is externally loaded (the ContentUrl property is set), false otherwise. |
get_contentUrl | none | string | Returns the URL for externally loaded content. |
set_contentUrl | string | none | Specifies the URL for loading content from an external source. |
getExtContentElement | none | HTML element | Returns the DOM element that holds externally-loaded pane content. |
get_content | none | HTML | Returns the HTML content of the pane when it is not externally loaded. |
set_content | HTML | none | Sets the HTML content of the pane. |
getContentElement | none | HTML element | Returns the DOM element that holds the pane content when it is not externally loaded. |
get_index | none | integer | Returns the position of the pane within its parent splitter. |
Array | none | Prints the content of the pane. If the pane is not displaying external content, the printed content is formatted using the cssFiles whose paths are specified by the array elements. | |
get_splitter | none | RadSplitter | Returns the splitter to which the pane belongs. |
getScrollPos | none | position | Returns the left and top positions of the scroll pane. The return value has two properties: left and top. See Example 1. |
setScrollPos | integer, integer | none | Sets the left and top scrolling positions of the pane. |
get_scrolling | none | Telerik.Web.UI.SplitterPaneScrolling | Returns the value of the Scrolling property of the control. |
set_scrolling | Telerik.Web.UI.SplitterPaneScrolling | none | Sets new value for the Scrolling property of the control. |
var scrollPos = pane.getScrollPos();
var leftPos = scrollPos.left;
var topPos = scrollPos.top;