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Changes And Backward Compatibility

Telerik RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX

A complete list of all changes can be found on Release History page:

Telerik RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2009

The new release brings the following changes:


Client event names

Old name New name
loaded load
beforeResize resizing

Server-side properties

Old name New name
OnClientLoaded OnClientLoad
OnClientBeforeResize OnClientResizing

Client-side API

Old name New name
add_loaded add_load
remove_loaded remove_load
add_beforeResize add_resizing
remove_beforeResize remove_resizing
Telerik.Web.UI.SplitterBeforeResizeEventArgs Telerik.Web.UI.SplitterResizingEventArgs

RadPane (RadSlidingPane):

Client event names

Old name New name
beforeCollapse collapsing
beforeExpand expanding
beforeResize resizing

Server-side properties

Old name New name
OnClientBeforeCollapse OnClientCollapsing
OnClientBeforeExpand OnClientExpanding
OnClientBeforeResize OnClientResizing

Client-side API

Old name New name
add_beforeCollapse add_collapsing
remove_beforeCollapse remove_collapsing
add_beforeExpand add_expanding
remove_beforeExpand remove_expanding
add_beforeResize add_resizing
remove_beforeResize remove_resizing
Telerik.Web.UI.PaneBeforeResizeEventArgs Telerik.Web.UI.PaneResizingEventArgs

Removed from the client-side API:

  • Telerik.Web.UI.PaneBeforeCollapseEventArgs

  • Telerik.Web.UI.PaneCollapsedEventArgs

  • Telerik.Web.UI.PaneBeforeExpandEventArgs

  • Telerik.Web.UI.PaneExpandedEventArgs

RadSlidingPane specific:

Name changes: 

Old name New name
beforeDock docking
beforeUndock undocking

 Server-side properties

Old name New name
OnClientBeforeDock OnClientDocking
OnClientBeforeUndock OnClientUndocking

Client-side API

Old name New name
add_beforeDock add_docking
remove_beforeDock remove_docking
add_beforeUndock add_undocking
remove_beforeUndock remove_undocking

Removed from the Client-side API:

  • Telerik.Web.UI.PaneBeforeDockEventArgs

  • Telerik.Web.UI.PaneDockedEventArgs

  • Telerik.Web.UI.PaneBeforeUndockEventArgs

  • Telerik.Web.UI.PaneUndockedEventArgs


Client-side events  

Old name New name
loaded load

Server-side properties 

Old name New name
OnClientLoaded OnClientLoad

Client-side API

Old name New name
add_loaded add_load
remove_loaded remove_load

Telerik RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2009

  • The FullScreenMode property is now obsolete.

  • Total redesign of the skins, which aims for a uniformity of the appearance of all controls in the suite in the cases they are used to build RIAs

  • Refactoring of the CSS code to achieve better understanding, easier maintenance and handle problems with global styles

  • Changes to the CSS classes, so now all controls for ASP.NET AJAX comply with a common naming convention For example was: RadSplitter_Default now: RadSplitter RadSplitter_Default

Telerik RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2008

RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX which is part of the Q3 2008 release is fully backwards compatible with its previous version (Q2 2008).

Telerik RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX Q2 2008

RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX which is part of the Q2 2008 release is fully backwards compatible with its previous version (Q2 2008).

Differences between RadSplitter "classic" and RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX

The RadSplitter's API has changed slightly from the classic product:

Server-side API changes

In the RadSplitter server-side API, a few properties have been removed or renamed, the names of the client-side events have changed, and a few type names have changed:


The following table lists the changes to the RadSplitter object:

RadSplitter Classic RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX
UseEmbeddedScripts (removed)
SkinsPath (removed)
TelerikControlsDir (removed)


The following table lists the changes to the RadPane object:  

RadSplitter Classic RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX
UseEmbeddedScripts (removed)
TelerikControlsDir (removed)
InitiallyCollapsed Collapsed
OnClientBeforePaneCollapse OnClientBeforeCollapse
OnClientBeforePaneExpand OnClientBeforeExpand
OnClientBeforePaneResize OnClientBeforeResize
OnClientPaneCollapsed OnClientCollapsed
OnClientPaneExpanded OnClientExpanded
OnClientPaneResized OnClientResized


The following table lists the changes to the RadSplitBar object:

RadSplitter Classic RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX
UseEmbeddedScripts (removed)
TelerikControlsDir (removed)


The following table lists the changes to the RadSlidingZone object:

RadSplitter Classic RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX
UseEmbeddedScripts (removed)
SkinsPath (removed)
TelerikControlsDir (removed)
InitiallyDockedPaneId DockedPaneId
InitiallyExpandedPaneId ExpandedPaneId


The following table lists the changes to the RadSlidingPane object:  

RadSplitter Classic RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX
UseEmbeddedScripts (removed)
TelerikControlsDir (removed)
OnClientBeforePaneCollapse OnClientBeforeCollapse
OnClientBeforePaneDock OnClientBeforeDock
OnClientBeforePaneExpand OnClientBeforeExpand
OnClientBeforePaneResize OnClientBeforeResize
OnClientBeforePaneUnDock OnClientBeforeUnDock
OnClientPaneCollapsed OnClientCollapsed
OnClientPaneDocked OnClientDocked
OnClientPaneExpanded OnClientExpanded
OnClientPaneResized OnClientResized
OnClientPaneUnDocked OnClientUnDocked

Type names

The following table lists the type name changes:

RadSplitter Classic RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX
Telerik.WebControls.RadSplitterOrientation Telerik.Web.UI.Orientation
Telerik.WebControls.RadSplitterItemsCollection Telerik.Web.UI.SplitterItemsCollection
Telerik.WebControls.RadSplitterResizeMode Telerik.Web.UI.SplitterResizeMode
Telerik.WebControls.RadSplitBarCollapseMode Telerik.Web.UI.SplitBarCollapseMode
Telerik.WebControls.RadSplitterSlideDirection Telerik.Web.UI.SplitterSlideDirection
Telerik.WebControls.RadSplitterSlidePaneTabView Telerik.Web.UI.SplitterSlidePaneTabView
Telerik.WebControls.RadSplitterPaneScrolling Telerik.Web.UI.SplitterPaneScrolling

Client-side API changes

Due to the migration of the RadSplitter control to the ASP.NET Ajax framework and to the Telerik.Web.UI suite, the client-side API is completely changed to match the naming convention of the new framework.

Event handlers

The signature for client-side events has been unified, so that all event handlers have at most two arguments:

  1. The first argument (sender) points to the client instance of the object firing the event.
  2. The second argument (eventArgs) is a holder for the old arguments passed in the respective handler.

To cancel an event (which can be cancelled) you now call "set_cancel(true)" on the eventArgs argument instead of returning false from the event handler:

function BeforeCollapse(sender, eventArgs)

RadSplitter object

The following table lists the changes to the methods of the RadSplitter client object:

RadSplitter Classic RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX
GetMinWidth() getMinWidth()
GetMaxWidth() getMaxWidth()
GetMinHeight() getMinHeight()
GetMaxHeight() getMaxHeight()
IsNested() isNested()
GetInnerWidth() getInnerWidth()
GetInnerHeight() getInnerHeight()
Resize() resize()
IsVertical() isVertical()
GetPanes() getPanes()
GetEndPane() getEndPane()
GetStartPane() getStartPane()
GetPaneByIndex() getPaneByIndex()
GetPaneById() getPaneById()
GetSplitBars() getSplitBars()
GetSplitBarByIndex() getSplitBarByIndex()
GetSplitBarById() getSplitBarById()
GetContainerElement() getContainerElement()

RadPane object

The following table lists the changes to the methods of the RadPane client object:

RadSplitter Classic RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX
GetScrollPos() getScrollPos()
SetScrollPos() setScrollPos()
Resize() resize()
Print() print()
Collapse() collapse()
Expand() expand()
IsExternalContent() isExternalContent()
GetInnerWidth() getInnerWidth()
GetInnerHeight() getInnerHeight()
IsSplitterContainer() isSplitterContainer()
GetContentContainerElement() getContentElement()
GetExtContentElement() getExtContentElement()
IsLocked() isLocked()
Lock() lock()
UnLock() unlock()

RadSplitBar object

The following table lists the changes to the methods of the RadSplitBar client object:

RadSplitter Classic RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX
IsCollapseDirectionEnabled() isCollapseDirectionEnabled()
GetCollapseBarElement() getCollapseBarElement()
IsCollapsed() isCollapsed()
GetWidth() getWidth()
GetHeight() getHeight()
GetSplitterBarElement() get_element()

RadSlidingZone object

The following table lists the changes to the methods of the RadSlidingZone client object:

RadSplitter Classic RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX
GetPaneById() getPaneById()
GetTabsContainer() getTabsContainer()
DockPane() dockPane()
UndockPane() undockPane()
GetPanes() getPanes()
ExpandPane() expandPane()
CollapsePane() collapsePane()
IsLeftDirection() isLeftDirection()
IsRightDirection() isRightDirection()
IsTopDirection() isTopDirection()
IsBottomDirection() isBottomDirection()

RadSlidingPane object

The following table lists the changes to the methods of the RadSlidingPane client object:

RadSplitter Classic RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX
GetContentContainer() getContentContainer()
GetContent() getContent()
SetContent() setContent()
GetDockIconElement() getDockIconElement()
GetUndockIconElement() getUndockIconElement()
GetCollapseIconElement() getCollapseIconElement()
GetSlidingContainerTitle() getSlidingContainerTitle()
GetSlidingPaneResizeContainer() getSlidingPaneResizeContainer()
GetTabContainer() getTabContainer()
HideTab() hideTab()
ShowTab showTab
IsTabDisplayed isTabDisplayed
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