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The RadSignature exposes the StrokeWidth, BackColor, and ForeColor properties allowing various different predefined styling options for customizing the appearance of the Control.

  • BackColor — configures the background color of signature pad.
  • ForeColor — configures the brush/stroke color of signature control.
  • StrokeWidth— configures the width of the brush/stroke.

Size, Rounded, FillMode are properties also dedicated to the styling options of the Control:

  • Size — configures the overall size of the component. Available options are: Small, Medium, Large, None.
  • Rounded — configures the border radius of the component. Available options are: Small, Medium, Large, None.
  • FillMode— controls the way the color is applied to the rendered Signature. Available options are: Solid, Flat, Outline, None.

Test the various settings in the Appearance Demo for the RadSignature.

See Also

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