RadSignature object
This article lists the client-side API of RadSignature and shows how to use it.
To use the API, you must first get a reference to the control's client-side object. For example:
var signature = $find("<%=RadSignature1.ClientID %>");
Signature UI component for ASP.NET AJAX is a server-side wrapper over the Kendo UI Signature Widget. Thus, it exposes the API of the underlying Kendo widget. To get a reference to the Kendo widget instance, you can do either of the following:
- Use the
method of the MS AJAX wrapper:
var signature = $find("<%=RadSignature1.ClientID %>"); //the standard script control object
var kendoSignature = signature.get_kendoWidget(); //the Kendo widget
- Get the Kendo Widget in its usual way. Make sure to use the
jQuery reference:
var kendoSignature = $telerik.$("#<%=RadSignature1.ClientID %>").data("kendoSignature");
In addition to using the Kendo methods directly, you can also use their wrappers that follow the MS AJAX convention through the RadSignature client object.
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
dispose | none | none | Destroys the underlying Kendo widget (calls its destroy method). Once you call it, you will not be able to use the widget or control. |
open | none | none | Opens the Signature PopUp pad. |
close | none | none | Closes the Signature PopUp pad if opened. |
disable | none | none | Disables the Signature control. |
enable | none | none | Enables the Signature control. |
reset | none | none | Resets the value of the Signature control to empty string. |
get_backgroundColor | none | string | Gets the background color of the Signature pad. |
set_backgroundColor | string | none | Sets the background color of the Signature pad. |
get_enabled | none | Boolean | Indicates whether the Signature is enabled. |
set_enabled | Boolean | none | Enables/Disables the Signature Control. |
get_fillMode | none | string | Gets the current FillMode of the Signature. |
set_fillMode | string | none | Sets the FillMode of the Signature. |
get_hideLine | none | Boolean | Indicates whether the dotted line in the Signature Pad is hidden. |
set_hideLine | Boolean | none | Sets whether the dotted line in the Signature Pad to be hidden. |
get_maximizable | none | Boolean | Indicates whether the control can be maximized. |
set_maximizable | Boolean | none | Sets whether the control can be maximized. |
get_popupScale | none | Number | Gets the current scale of the Signature PopUp. |
set_popupScale | Number | none | Sets the current scale of the Signature PopUp. |
get_size | none | string | Gets the current size of Signature UI control. |
set_size | string | none | Sets the current size of Signature UI control. |
get_rounded | none | string | Gets the current value of the Rounded property of Signature control. |
set_rounded | string | none | Sets the current value of the Rounded property of Signature control. |
get_strokeWidth | none | Number | Gets the current width of the stroke line of Signature control. |
set_strokeWidth | Number | none | Sets the current width of the stroke line of Signature control. |
get_value | none | string | Gets the current base64 string value of the component. |
set_value | string | none | Sets the current base64 string value of the component. |