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Sending Additional Information to the Provider

Starting with the Q3 2010 release RadScheduler allows additional information to be sent from the page to each provider method. This is convenient for passing any form of meta-data that is not part of the appointments themselves.

Older versions require the use of a side-channel such as the Session to transfer such meta-data.


1) In order to be able to receive the information in your provider you must implement the methods that take ISchedulerInfo as parameters. Please see Provider interface changes in Q3 2010

2) Create a custom ISchedulerInfo implementation by inheriting from SchedulerInfo:

public class MySchedulerInfo : SchedulerInfo
    public string User { get; set; }
    public MySchedulerInfo(ISchedulerInfo baseInfo, string user): base(baseInfo)
        User = user;
Public Class MySchedulerInfo Inherits SchedulerInfo
    Public Property User() As String
            Return m_User
        End Get

            m_User = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Private m_User As String

    Public Sub New(baseInfo As ISchedulerInfo, userParam As String)
        User = userParam
    End Sub
End Class  

Sending additional information when using server-side data binding

1) Send the customized MySchedulerInfo to RadScheduler in one of the following events: * AppointmentsPopulating * ResourcesPopulating * AppointmentInsert * AppointmentUpdate * AppointmentDelete

For example:

protected void RadScheduler1_AppointmentsPopulating(object sender, AppointmentsPopulatingEventArgs e)
    e.SchedulerInfo = new MySchedulerInfo(e.SchedulerInfo, User.Identity.Name);
Protected Sub RadScheduler1_AppointmentsPopulating(sender As Object, e As AppointmentsPopulatingEventArgs)
    e.SchedulerInfo = New MySchedulerInfo(e.SchedulerInfo, User.Identity.Name)
End Sub  

2) Cast the schedulerInfo to MySchedulerInfo in the corresponding provider method

public override IEnumerable<Appointment> GetAppointments(ISchedulerInfo schedulerInfo)
    var myInfo = schedulerInfo as MySchedulerInfo;
    // Access myInfo.User
    // ...
Public Overrides Function GetAppointments(schedulerInfo As ISchedulerInfo) As IEnumerable(Of Appointment)
    Dim myInfo = TryCast(schedulerInfo, MySchedulerInfo)
    ' Access myInfo.User
    ' ...
End Function  

Sending additional information when using web-service data binding

1) Follow the instructions in Sending additional information to the Web Service

2) Cast the schedulerInfo to MySchedulerInfo in the corresponding provider method

public override IEnumerable<Appointment> GetAppointments(ISchedulerInfo schedulerInfo)
    var myInfo = schedulerInfo as MySchedulerInfo;
    // Access myInfo.User
    // ...
'Getting MySchedulerInfo from GetAppointments Copy Code 
Public Overrides Function GetAppointments(schedulerInfo As ISchedulerInfo) As IEnumerable(Of Appointment)
    Dim myInfo = TryCast(schedulerInfo, MySchedulerInfo)
    ' Access myInfo.User
    ' ...
End Function  

See Also

In this article