Keyboard Support
As of Q2 2011 RadScheduler introduces keyboard support. In order to activate it, appropriate TabIndex should be set.
The keyboard navigation has the following functionalities:
Use the Up and Down arrows to move up and down the selected time slot (Day view)
Use the Up/Down/Right/Left arrows to navigate through timeslots(Month/Week views)
Use Tab to switch the focus among appointments
Use Shift + Tab to switch the focus among appointments backwards
Press Enter to add an appointment when the focus is on a time slot
Press Enter on existing appointment to trigger edit
Press Delete on appointment to remove it from the schedule
Press Esc to cancel insert/update of an Appointment
Alt + S saves the appointment
Alt + C cancels the edit / insertion
Alt + O opens advanced form
Use Shift + arrows to select multiple timeslots (like in Outlook)
The available key combinations are listed below:
Keyboard shortcuts are the same as the Microsoft Outlook ones
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW(day view) - Go to the next day.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW(dayview) - Go to the previous day.
ALT+DOWN ARROW (week view) - Go to the next week.
ALT+UP ARROW(week view) - Go to the previous week.
ALT+PAGE DOWN(month view) - Go to the next month.
ALT+PAGE UP (month view) - Go to the previous month.
CTRL+G - Open the date picker.
ALT+HOME(week and day view) - Go to the start of the week.
ALT+END(week and day view) - Go to the end of the week.
ALT and "+" - Go to month view.
ALT and "–" - Go to week view.
ALT + any number (0-9) - Go to day view.
See live example at Keyboard Support