The RadProgressArea dialog has the following structure:
The indicators in the RadProgressArea dialog can all be optionally included or excluded using the ProgressIndicators property:
The Total Progress Bar appears when ProgressIndicators includes "TotalProgressBar".
The Total Progress Percent appears when ProgressIndicators includes "TotalProgressPercent".
The Total Progress size appears when ProgressIndicators includes "TotalProgress".
The Request Size appears when ProgressIndicators includes "RequestSize".
The Files Count Bar appears when ProgressIndicators includes "FilesCountBar".
The Files Count Percent appears when ProgressIndicators includes "FilesCountPercent".
The Files Count appears when ProgressIndicators includes "FilesCount".
The Selected Files Count appears when ProgressIndicators includes "SelectedFilesCount".
The Current File Name appears when ProgressIndicators includes "CurrentFileName".
The Elapsed Time appears when ProgressIndicators includes "TimeElapsed".
The Estimated Time appears when ProgressIndicators includes "TimeEstimated".
The Speed appears when ProgressIndicators includes "TransferSpeed".
In addition, you can optionally display or hide the Cancel button by setting the DisplayCancelButton property.
The following example shows a RadProgressArea that shows only the files indicators and a cancel button:
<telerik:radprogressarea id="RadProgressArea1" runat="server" displaycancelbutton="True"
progressindicators="FilesCountBar, FilesCount, FilesCountPercent, SelectedFilesCount, CurrentFileName">
When setting the ProgressIndicators property at runtime, use the "or" operator to combine values:
RadProgressArea1.ProgressIndicators = ProgressIndicators.FilesCount
| ProgressIndicators.FilesCountBar
| ProgressIndicators.FilesCountPercent
| ProgressIndicators.SelectedFilesCount
| ProgressIndicators.CurrentFileName;
RadProgressArea1.ProgressIndicators =
_ ProgressIndicators.FilesCount Or
_ ProgressIndicators.FilesCountBar Or
_ ProgressIndicators.FilesCountPercent Or
_ ProgressIndicators.SelectedFilesCount Or
_ ProgressIndicators.CurrentFileName
The ProgressIndicators type is defined in the Telerik.Web.UI.Upload namespace.
You can modify the positions and the HTML elements of the progress indicators by creating a Progress Template.