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RadPivotGrid templates are instantiated within the row header, column header and data cells.Due to the nature of the control, the usual Eval / DataBinder.Eval approach for extracting the value won’t work. Instead, one could use the Container.DataItem property to get hold of the underlying cell value.

<telerik:PivotGridAggregateField DataField="Expenses">
        <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Style="color: #aaa">
         <%# Container.DataItem %>

ColumnField templates

  • CellTemplate-this template is instantiated in the column header cells.

  • TotalHeaderCellTemplate-instantiated in the column total cells.

RowField templates

  • CellTemplate-this template is instantiated in the row header cells.

  • TotalHeaderCellTemplate-instantiated in the row total cells.

AggregateField templates

  • CellTemplate- this template will be instantiated in the data cells.

  • HeaderCellTemplate- depending on the current aggregate position this template.

  • RowTotalCellTemplate- will be instantiated in the data cells which belong to the row totals.

  • ColumnTotalCellTemplate- will be instantiated in the data cells which belong to the column totals.

  • RowAndColumnTotalCellTemplate- this template will be instantiated in the cell where the row and column totals intersect.

  • RowGrandTotalCellTemplate– instantiated in the data cells which belong to the grand total row.

  • ColumnGrandTotalCellTemplate– instantiated in the data cells which belong to the grand total column.

  • RowAndColumnGrandTotalCellTemplate– this template will be instantiated in the cell where the row and column grand totals intersect.

  • RowGrandTotalHeaderCellTemplate– instantiated in the header of the grand total row.

  • ColumnGrandTotalHeaderCellTemplate– instantiated in the header of the grand total column .

Sample representations.

The images below presents the different templates instantiation:

  • CoulmnField CellTemplate, RowField CellTemplate and RowField TotalHeaderCellTemplate are presented in the screenshot bellow: pivotgrid-templates 1

  • RowTotalCellTemplate,CellTemplate and HeaderCellTemplate for the AggregateField are demonstrated in the screenshot bellow: pivotgrid-templates 2

  • CoulmnField TotalHeaderCellTemplate, AggregateField ColumnTotalCellTemplate and AggregateField RowAndColumnTotalCellTemplate are presented in the screenshot bellow: pivotgrid-templates 3

  • ColumnGrandTotalCellTemplate ,RowAndColumnGrandTotalCellTemplate and RowGrandTotalCellTemplatefor the AggregateField are demonstrated in the screenshot bellow: pivotgrid-templates 4

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