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Mouse Wheel Support
Users can interact with the RadInput controls using the mouse wheel. The following table lists the response of the various RadInput controls when the user scrolls the mouse wheel:
RadInput Control | Result of using the Mouse Wheel |
RadTextBox | If TextMode is MultiLine and the Text is longer than can be displayed by the number of rows that the Rows property dictates, scrolling the mouse wheel causes the text in the control to scroll. |
RadMaskedTextBox | If the TextMode is MultiLine and the Text is longer than can be displayed by the number of rows that the Rows property dictates, scrolling the mouse wheel causes the text in the control to scroll. If the Mask property includes an enumeration mask and the cursor is positioned at the start of an enumeration mask part, the scrolling the mouse wheel scrolls through the enumerated values. |
RadNumericTextBox | Scrolling the mouse wheel increases or decreases the value in the text box by the amount that the IncrementSettings.Step property specifies when IncrementSettings.InterceptMouseWheel is True . |
RadDateInput | Scrolling the mouse wheel increases or decreases the value of the portion of the date immediately before the cursor when IncrementSettings.InterceptMouseWheel is True . The IncrementSettings.Step property specifies the number of months, days, years, hours, minutes, or seconds by which the value changes. |