get_animation |
Gets the animation value of the notification. Returns a variable of type Telerik.Web.UI.NotificationAnimation. |
get_animationDuration |
Gets animation duration value for the notification. |
get_autoCloseDelay |
Gets delay in milliseconds for the notification to close automatically. |
getBounds |
Returns the size and position of the notification popup. |
get_enabled |
Gets a value indicating whether the notification is enabled |
get_height |
Gets the height of the notification. |
get_contentElement |
Gets the content element of the notification. |
get_contentScrolling |
Gets a new overflow value for the notification content area. Returns a variable of type Telerik.Web.UI.NotificationScrolling. |
get_keepOnMouseOver |
Gets a value indicating whether the notification should stay on the screen when hovered (autoclose is delayed until the mouse goes outside the popup). |
get_loadContentOn |
Gets when the content should be loaded. Returns a variable of type Telerik.Web.UI.NotificationLoad. |
get_offsetX |
Gets the horizontal offset relative to the browser window. |
get_offsetY |
Gets the vertical offset relative to the browser window. |
get_opacity |
Gets the value indicating the opacity of the RadNotification.The value should be between 0 and 100. The default value is 100 which is opaque. |
get_overlay |
Gets a value indicating whether the notification has an overlay element. |
get_pinned |
Gets a value indicating whether the notification should be scrolled along with the content or not. |
get_popupElement |
Returns a reference to the popup element of RadNotification. |
get_position |
Gets the relative to the browser window position of the notification. |
get_showInterval |
Gets the show interval of the notification. |
get_text |
Gets the text of the notification. |
get_title |
Gets the title of the notification. |
get_titleMenu |
Returns a reference to a RadMenu object. Returns 'null' when there is no menu configured. |
get_updateInterval |
Gets the update interval of the notification. |
get_value |
Gets the current value associated with the RadNotification control. |
get_visibleTitlebar |
Gets a value indicating whether the RadNotification should have a visible titlebar. |
get_width |
Gets the width of the notification. |
get_zIndex |
Gets the z-index of the RadNotification. |
set_animation |
Sets new animation value for the notification. The parameter must be of type Telerik.Web.UI.NotificationAnimation. The NotificationAnimation property is an enum and can take the following values, which names describe the effect when they are set: None, Resize, Fade, Slide, FlyIn. For example: notification.set_animation(Telerik.Web.UI.NotificationAnimation.Slide);
set_animationDuration |
Sets animation duration value for the notification. |
set_autoCloseDelay |
Sets delay in milliseconds for the notification to close automatically. |
set_contentScrolling |
Sets a new overflow value for the notification content area. The Scrolling property is an enum (Telerik.Web.UI.NotificationScrolling) and can take the following values, which names describe the effect when they are set: Default, Auto, None, X, Y, Both. For example: notification.set_contentScrolling(Telerik.Web.UI.NotificationScrolling.None);
set_enabled |
Sets a value indicating whether the notification is enabled. |
set_height |
Sets new height to the notification. |
set_keepOnMouseOver |
Sets a value indicating whether the notification should stay on the screen when hovered (autoclose is delayed until the mouse goes outside the popup). |
set_loadContentOn |
Sets when the content should be loaded. The parameter must be of type Telerik.Web.UI.NotificationLoad. The NotificationLoad property is an enum and can take the following values, which names describe the effect when they are set: PageLoad, FirstShow, EveryShow, TimeInterval.For example: notification.set_loadContentOn(Telerik.Web.UI.NotificationLoad.TimeInterval);
set_offsetX |
Sets a new horizontal offset relative to the browser window. |
set_offsetY |
Sets a new vertical offset relative to the browser window. |
set_opacity |
Sets the value indicating the opacity of the RadNotification. The value should be between 0 and 100 where 100 is opaque. |
set_overlay |
Sets a value indicating whether the notification will create an overlay element. |
set_pinned |
Sets a value indicating whether the notification should be scrolled along with the content or not. |
set_position |
Sets a new relative to the browser window position for the notification. The parameter must be of type Telerik.Web.UI.NotificationPosition. The NotificationPosition property is an enum and can take the following values, which names describe the effect when they are set: TopLeft, TopCenter, TopRight, MiddleLeft, Center, MiddleRight, BottomLeft, BottomCenter, BottomRight. For example: notification.set_position(Telerik.Web.UI.NotificationPosition.Center);
set_showInterval |
Sets new show interval to the notification. |
set_text |
Sets new text to the notification. |
set_title |
Sets a new title to the notification. |
set_updateInterval |
Sets new update interval to the notification. |
set_value |
Sets new value to be associated with the RadNotification control |
set_visibleTitlebar |
Sets a value indicating whether the RadNotification should have a visible titlebar. |
set_width |
Sets new width to the notification. |
set_zIndex |
Sets new z-index of the RadNotification. |