RadMaskedTextBox Client Object
The following table lists the most important properties/methods of the RadMaskedTextBox client-side object:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
get_value | none | string | Returns the value of the text box. This is the string without any prompt characters or literals. |
set_value | string | none | Sets the value of the text box. |
get_valueWithPrompt | none | string | Returns the value of the text box, including the prompt characters. |
get_valueWithLiterals | none | string | Returns the value of the text box, including the literal characters from the mask. |
get_valueWithPromptAndLiterals | none | string | Returns the value of the text box, including the prompt characters and literal characters from the mask. |
get_editValue | none | string | Gets the value of the text box as it is formatted when the text box has focus (including prompts and literals). |
get_displayValue | none | string | Gets the value of the text box as it is formatted when the text box does not have focus (including display prompts and literals). |
get_textBoxValue | none | string | Gets the string that the user typed into the text box with any prompts and literals from the mask. |
get_promptChar | none | character | Returns the prompt character. |
set_promptChar | string | none | Sets the prompt char of the mask. |
get_displayPromptChar | none | character | Returns the prompt character that is used when the text box does not have focus. |
get_caretPosition | none | integer | Returns the current position of the caret. |
set_caretPosition | integer | none | Sets the position of the caret. |
get_styles | none | InputStyles | Returns the InputStyles Client object, which can be used to change the appearance of the text box when it is first loaded. |
get_autoPostBack | none | boolean | Returns the value of the AutoPostBack property. |
set_autoPostBack | boolean | none | Enables or disables postbacks when the user changes the text in the text box. |
get_enabled | none | boolean | Returns true if the text box is enabled. |
get_showButton | none | boolean | Returns true if the text box has an associated image button. |
get_selectionOnFocus | none | Telerik.Web.UI.SelectionOnFocus | Returns the value of the SelectionOnFocus property. Possible values are Telerik.Web.UI.SelectionOnFocus.CaretToBeginning, Telerik.Web.UI.SelectionOnFocus.CaretToEnd, Telerik.Web.UI.SelectionOnFocus.None, and Telerik.Web.UI.SelectionOnFocus.SelectAll. |
set_selectionOnFocus | Telerik.Web.UI.SelectionOnFocus | none | Sets the SelectionOnFocus property. |
get_emptyMessage | none | string | Returns the message that appears when the text box value is an empty string and HideOnBlur is true. |
set_emptyMessage | string | none | Sets the message that appears when the text box value is an empty string and HideOnBlur is true. |
get_element | none | HTML element | Gets the DOM element for the input element that holds the edit value. |
get_wrapperElement | none | HTML element | Gets the DOM element for the wrapper element. |
get_allowEmptyEnumerations | none | boolean | Returns true if enumerated mask parts can be set to an empty string. |
set_allowEmptyEnumerations | boolean | none | Sets whether enumerated mask parts can be set to an empty string. |
get_hideOnBlur | none | boolean | Returns true if the prompt characters and literals are not displayed when the text box is empty and does not have focus. |
set_hideOnBlur | boolean | none | Sets whether the prompt characters and literals are not displayed when the text box is empty and does not have focus. |
get_visible | none | boolean | Returns whether the input element is rendered as hidden or not. Does not apply if the control is inside another hidden html element. |
set_visible | boolean | none | Sets the input element as hidden on the client |
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
selectAllText | none | none | Selects all text in the text box. |
selectText | integer, integer | none | Selects the text in the specified range of positions. The first parameter is the start of the range and the second is the end of the range. |
insertText | string, integer | integer | Puts the given text to the specified position. Returns the end position of the inserted text. |
removeText | integer, integer | none | Erases the text in the specified position and length. |
enable | none | none | Enables the text box. |
disable | none | none | Disables the text box. |
focus | none | none | Sets focus to the text box so that the user can edit its value. |
blur | none | none | Removes focus from the text box, moving it to the next control in the tab order of the page. |
clear | none | none | Sets the value of the text box to an empty string. |
isMultiLine | none | boolean | Returns true if the text mode is MultiLine. |
isReadOnly | none | boolean | Returns true of the text box is read-only. |
isEmpty | none | boolean | Returns true if the value of the text box is an empty string. |