Getting Started with RadGrid for ASP.NET AJAX
This tutorial will walk you through creating a Web page that contains a RadGrid control. It shows how to:
- Bind the grid using a declarative data source.
- Configure the grid to support the most common features including:
- Paging
- Sorting
- Scrolling
- Grouping
- Filtering
- Selecting
- Add a template column for customized data display.
Creating and Binding the Grid
Locate the "..\Live Demos\App_Data" folder underneath the folder where you have installed your controls. In this folder, find the Northwind.mdf file, and copy it into the App_Data folder of your Web application. The Solution Explorer for you application should look something like the following:
Drag and drop a RadGrid control from the toolbox onto your Web page:
Using the RadGrid Smart Tag expand the drop-down list labelled Choose Data Source and select <New data source...>:
The Data Source Configuration Wizard appears. On the Choose a Data Source Type page, select SQL Database and click OK:
On the Choose Your Data Connection page, expand the drop-down list by clicking the little triangle on the right side and select the Northwind.mdf from the available options. Then click the Next button:
Note: If you happen to encounter a "Database schema could not be retrieved" exception, please follow the guide in this help topic.
On the Configure the Select Statement page, select the Customers table from the drop-down list, select the CompanyName, ContactName, Address, and PostalCode fields. Then choose Next:
On the Test Query page, click the Test Query button to see the data. Then click Finish to exit the Configure Data Source wizard:
Configuring the grid for paging, sorting, and scrolling
From the Skin drop-down of the RadGrid's Smart Tag choose the Metro skin:
In the General Features section, check the boxes to enable paging, sorting, and scrolling:
Still in the Smart Tag click the link labeled Open Editor:
In the RadGrid Editor:
Select RadGrid from the Configuration Manager.
On the right side, click Styles tab. Then select RadGrid style.
In the Layout section of the RadGrid's style editor, locate the Width property and set it to 720px:
On the same window, just one tab above the Styles tab select Paging tab. Then on the right pane, set the Page size to 30 rows.
Run the application to check out what you have created so far. Note the pager elements in the grid footer and the scroll bar on the right side. When you click on column headers the column data will be sorted:
Configuring the grid for selecting, filtering, and grouping
Add a select column:
- Open the Editor.
- Select MasterTableView under RadGrid node.
- Select Columns from the right pane.
- Select Button column under Available columns.
- Click the "+" button to add the button column.
- Use the up arrow button to move it to the first position.
- You need to customize the column a bit in order to work as a select column.
Set values to the HeaderText, Text, and CommandName properties.
Additionally, you could change the UniqueName and BackColor of the column.
Use the RadGrid Smart Tag to enable filtering and grouping:
Run the application to see the result of your changes. A select column appears as the first column of the grid. Each column now has a filter control at the top. A grouping panel appears at the top of the grid. Drag the header of the PostalCode column onto the grouping panel. The rows of the grid are now grouped by postal code, and an item for this group appears in the grouping panel that lets you change the sort order of the groups:
Adding Template columns
Back in the Editor, add a template column to the grid:
Select MasterTableView under RadGrid node.
Select Columns from the right pane.
Select Template column under Available columns.
Click the "+" button to add the template column.
In the right pane, set the HeaderText property to TemplateColumn.
In the Smart Tag select Edit Templates option:
In the drop-down list of the Smart Tag in Template Editing Mode, select the template column to bring up the template design surface for the template column:
Add a Label to the item template and a TextBox to its edit item template, using drag and drop from the Visual Studio toolbox. From the Smart Tag of the Label and of the TextBox, choose Edit DataBindings to display the DataBindings editor:
In the DataBindings editor for the Label and for the TextBox, bind the Text property to a field in the datasource:
Now, you have a fully functional RadGrid with no code behind. Paging, sorting, filtering, scrolling and grouping are enabled. There is a column for server-side selection and a template column for specific data display: