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Building a Hierarchical Grid

This tutorial will walk you through creating a Web page that contains a hierarchical RadGrid control. It shows how to:

  • Bind detail tables using a declarative data source.

  • Bind detail tables dynamically, using the DetailTableDataBind event.

Creating the data sources

  1. Locate the "..\Live Demos\App_Data" folder underneath the folder where you have installed yourcontrols. In this folder, find the Northwind.mdf file and copy it into the App_Data folder of your Web site. The Solution Explorer for your application should look something like the following:

    grid gettingstarted 1

  2. Drag and drop a RadGrid control from the toolbox onto your Web page:

    grid gettingstarted 2

  3. Using the RadGrid's Smart Tag expand the drop-down list labelled Choose Data Source and select :

    grid gettingstarted 03

  4. The Data Source Configuration Wizard appears. On the Choose a Data Source Type page, select SQL Database and click OK:

    grid gettingstarted 4

  5. On the Choose Your Data Connection page, expand the drop-down list by clicking the little triangle on the right side and select the Northwind.mdf from the available options. Then click the Next button:

    grid gettingstarted 5

    Note: If you happen to encounter a "Database schema could not be retrieved" exception, please follow the guide in this help topic.

  6. On the Save the Connection String to the Application Configuration File page, set name for the Connection String and then press Next:

    grid gettingstarted conn String

  7. On the Configure the Select Statement page, select the Customers table from the drop-down list, and select all (*) fields. Then choose Next:

    Configure Select Statement

  8. On the Test Query page, click the Test Query button to see the data. Then click Finish to exit the Configure Data Source wizard:

    grid hierarchy 7

  9. Using RadGrid's Smart Tag add a second DataSource component to RadGrid.

    Select DataSource

  10. Choose the same database on the Choose Your Data Connection page of the wizard. Then click the Next button:

    Choose DataBase

  11. On the Configure the Select Statement page, choose the Orders table and select all columns again. This time, we are creating a data source for a detail table, so we need to add a where clause so the detail records are limited to the ones that match a record in the parent table. Click the Where... button to add a WHERE clause:

    Second Select Statement

  12. On the Add WHERE Clause page, choose the CustomerID column, and select None as the source of the parameter. Then click the Add button to add the condition to the Where clause, and click OK.

    Where clause

  13. The Configure Select Statement page now shows your WHERE clause. Click the Next button, and then, on the next page, choose Finish:

    Configure Select Statement

  14. After you press the Finish button RadGrid will ask you if you want to apply the new datasource schema, choose No:

    Apply New Schema

Creating the grid and binding its Master Table

  1. In the RadGrid's Smart Tag, select SQLDataSource1 as a data source for the grid. This binds the MasterTableView to the Customers table. If RadGrid asks you whether to apply the new datasource schema, choose Yes. In addition, while in the Smart Tag, choose Metro from the Skin drop-down to give the grid a different skin:

    grid addcontrols 12

  2. Still in the Smart Tag, click the link labelled Open Configuration Wizard:

    grid gettingstarted 10

  3. In the RadGrid Editor,

    1. Select the MasterTableView in the Grid hierarchy tree view that you find in the upper left corner.

    2. Select Columns tab.

    3. Remove any columns you do not want to display for the Master Table:


  4. In General tab of the MasterTableView node make sure that the DataKeyNames list contains the string CustomerID. This column must be identified as a key name so that it can be used to link to detail tables:


Creating and binding the first detail table

  1. In the Grid hierarchy tree view, click the "+" button while the MasterTableView is selected to add a Detail TableView.

    Add Detail Table

  2. Select the detail table under MasterTableView node.

  3. In the right pane, set the DataSourceID property to SqlDataSource2 to bind it to the Orders table.

  4. In the Parent table relation, fill in the CustomerID string in both fields(MasterKeyField and DetailKeyField) click the "+" button to add a relationship between a field in the detail table and its corresponding field in the parent table.

  5. Now set the DataKeyNames property of the detail table to OrderID. This will be useful later when binding a second detail table as a child of this table view.

    Set Parent Table Relation

  6. Before exiting the RadGrid Editor, return to the MasterTableView node, on the right pane click the Paging tab and then check the Allow paging checkbox and set the Page size to 5 rows:

    Set Paging

  7. Run the application to see that the grid now displays a two-level hierarchy, with the Orders table nested inside the Customers table:

    Hierarchical RadGrid

Creating and binding the second detail table

  1. Bring up the RadGrid's Editor again and add a second Detail Table as a child of the first Detail Table:

    Add Second Detail Table

  2. Because we will be binding the detail table dynamically, there is no need to set any more properties, so exit the property builder:

    Close the Editor

  3. Give the RadGrid a DetailTableDataBind event handler. This event handler

    1. Checks if the detail table has a datasource already.

    2. Creates a SELECT command based on the current value of the data key from the parent table (This is available because we set the DataKeyNames property of the parent table).

    3. Fills a DataTable using the dynamically created SELECT command.

    4. Assigns the data table as the DataSource of the detail table view we are binding:

protected void RadGrid1_DetailTableDataBind(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.GridDetailTableDataBindEventArgs e)
	if (e.DetailTableView.DataSourceID == "")
		GridDataItem dataItem = (GridDataItem)e.DetailTableView.ParentItem;
		string OrderID = dataItem.GetDataKeyValue("OrderID").ToString();
		e.DetailTableView.DataSource = GetDataTable("Select * from [Order Details] where OrderID = '" + OrderID + "'");

public DataTable GetDataTable(string query)
	String ConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
	SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
	DataTable myDataTable = new DataTable();
	using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnString))
		adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(query, conn);
	return myDataTable;

Run the application. Note that you can now see the dynamically bound Detail Table: RadGrid With Three Levels