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Telerik.Web.UI.GridColumnEventArgs OnCellDeselecting Property

To get or set property values for client API properties, you must call property accessor methods that are named with the get_ and set_ prefixes. For example, to get or set a value for a property such as cancel, you call the get_cancel or set_cancel.

This event is fired before a cell is deselected.

Fired byRadGrid
Argumentsget_column - returns a reference to the corresponding GridColumn object get_gridDataItem - returns a reference to the corresponding GridDataItem object get_row - returns a reference to the corresponding table row element cancel - gets or sets the cancelled status of the event
Can be canceledYes, set eventArgs.set_cancel(true) to cancel


function cellDeselecting(sender, args) {
    var selectedRow = args.get_row();
    var selectedColumn = args.get_column();
    var dataItem = args.get_gridDataItem();
    var output = String.format("The deselected cell was located in column with name: " + selectedColumn.get_uniqueName() + 
    " and in row with index: " + dataItem.get_itemIndexHierarchical() + ".");
        <Selecting CellSelectionMode="MultiCell" />
        <Scrolling AllowScroll="true" UseStaticHeaders="true" />
        <ClientEvents OnCellDeselecting="cellDeselecting" />

A list of the possible options for the CellSelectionMode property could be found here.

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