ExpandTooltip |
The tooltip that will be displayed over the expand child tables button. |
CollapseTooltip |
The tooltip that will be displayed over the collapse child tables button. |
GridGroupingSettings - RadGrid.GroupingSettings |
GroupContinuesFormatString |
The group header message, indicating that the group continues on the next page. |
GroupContinuedFormatString |
The group header message, indicating that the group continues from the previous page. |
ExpandTooltip |
The tooltip that will be displayed over the expand groups button. |
CollapseTooltip |
The tooltip that will be displayed over the collapse groups button. |
UnGroupTooltip |
The tooltip that will be displayed over the items in the group panel. |
GridGroupPanelSettings - RadGrid.GroupPanel |
Text |
The text that will be rendered inside the group panel when visible. |
GridClientMessages - RadGrid.ClientSettings.ClientMessages
DropHereToReorder |
The tooltip that will be displayed when you start dragging a column. |
DragToGroupOrReorder |
The tooltip that will be displayed when you hover a column header of draggable column. |
DragToResize |
The tooltip that will be displayed when you hover the resizing handle of a column. |
PagerTooltipFormatString |
The tooltip that will be displayed when you hover the vertical scroll when virtual scrolling is enabled. The format is "Page {0} of {1}" |
GridSortingSettings - RadGrid.SortingSettings |
SortToolTip |
The tooltip that will be displayed when you hover the sorting button and there is no sorting applied. |
SortedAscToolTip |
The tooltip that will be displayed when you hover the sorting button and the column is sorted ascending. |
SortedDescToolTip |
The tooltip that will be displayed when you hover the sorting button and the column is sorted descending. |