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Localizing the Grid Messages

Localizing the tooltips

Telerik RadGrid provides the following properties for localization of the hard-coded tooltips:


GridHierarchySettings - RadGrid.HierarchySettings
ExpandTooltip The tooltip that will be displayed over the expand child tables button.
CollapseTooltip The tooltip that will be displayed over the collapse child tables button.
GridGroupingSettings - RadGrid.GroupingSettings
GroupContinuesFormatString The group header message, indicating that the group continues on the next page.
GroupContinuedFormatString The group header message, indicating that the group continues from the previous page.
ExpandTooltip The tooltip that will be displayed over the expand groups button.
CollapseTooltip The tooltip that will be displayed over the collapse groups button.
UnGroupTooltip The tooltip that will be displayed over the items in the group panel.
GridGroupPanelSettings - RadGrid.GroupPanel
Text The text that will be rendered inside the group panel when visible.
GridClientMessages - RadGrid.ClientSettings.ClientMessages
DropHereToReorder The tooltip that will be displayed when you start dragging a column.
DragToGroupOrReorder The tooltip that will be displayed when you hover a column header of draggable column.
DragToResize The tooltip that will be displayed when you hover the resizing handle of a column.
PagerTooltipFormatString The tooltip that will be displayed when you hover the vertical scroll when virtual scrolling is enabled. The format is "Page {0} of {1}"
GridSortingSettings - RadGrid.SortingSettings
SortToolTip The tooltip that will be displayed when you hover the sorting button and there is no sorting applied.
SortedAscToolTip The tooltip that will be displayed when you hover the sorting button and the column is sorted ascending.
SortedDescToolTip The tooltip that will be displayed when you hover the sorting button and the column is sorted descending.

Localizing the GridTableView messages

Telerik RadGrid provides the following properties for customizing the messages related to GridTableView.


NoMasterRecordsText The text that will be displayed in the NoRecordsTemplate when there are no records in the MasterTableView .
NoDetailRecordsText The text that will be displayed in the NoRecordsTemplate when there are no records in the Detail tables.

Localizing the GridStatusBarItem messages


ReadyText The text that will be displayed when Telerik RadGrid is not performing an AJAX request.
LoadingText The text that will be displayed when Telerik RadGrid is performing an AJAX request.

Localizing the GridPagerItem messages

PrevPageToolTip The tooltip that will be displayed over the previous page button.
PrevPagesToolTip The tooltip that will be displayed over the previous pages button.
NextPageToolTip The tooltip that will be displayed over the next page button.
NextPagesToolTip The tooltip that will be displayed over the next pages button.
PagerTooltipFormatString The tooltip that will be displayed when dragging the vertical scroll with virtual scrolling enabled. Same as the text under the RadGrid slider pager, changes will be propagated in both places if made.
PageTextFormat The text that will be displayed in the grid pager

See Also

In this article