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Format Sets

The Format Sets tool is used in order to apply formatting to elements or sections in the content of the editor. There are three groups of sets in the dropdown:

  • Element Format Sets modify the selected DOM element or the first container, which has the same tag name as the one set in tag property of the format set

  • Inline Format Sets behave like the Apply Css Class tool and apply formatting to the parent block element or create font elements and apply the formatting on them

  • Block Format Sets apply formatting similar to the Paragraph Styles tools by creating new block elements or replacing the currently selected ones

The set is defined by the FormatSets collection which contains EditorFormatSet elements. The editor format set has three properties:

  • Tag - it sets the tag name of the formatted DOM elements

  • Title - This is the HTML code, which is displayed as an option in the dropdown

  • Attributes - this is a EditorFormatSetAttributeCollection Name (attribute name), Value (attribute value) collection, which contains the attributes wich will be set to the formatted element.

Below are some sample settings of the FormatSets collection:radeditor-format-sets-demo-example

Using the FormatSets Collection Declaratively

<telerik:RadEditor RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadEditor1">
        <telerik:EditorFormatSet Tag="H1" Title="<h1 style='color: green'>green header 1</h1>">
                <telerik:EditorFormatSetAttribute Name="class" Value="greenClass" />
                <telerik:EditorFormatSetAttribute Name="style" Value="color: green;" />
        <!-- Element Format Sets -->
        <telerik:EditorFormatSet Tag="img" Title="<span style='border: 1px solid red;'>red border image</span>">
                <telerik:EditorFormatSetAttribute Name="class" Value="redBorderImage" />
                <telerik:EditorFormatSetAttribute Name="style" Value="border: 1px solid red; margin: 10px;" />

        <telerik:EditorFormatSet Tag="li" Title="<ul><li style='list-style-type: square;color: Red;'>square red list</li></ul>">
                <telerik:EditorFormatSetAttribute Name="style" Value="list-style-type: square;color: red;" />
        <!-- Inline Format Sets (the Tag property is empty) -->
        <telerik:EditorFormatSet Tag="" Title="<span style='color: Magenta'>magenta text</span>">
                <telerik:EditorFormatSetAttribute Name="style" Value="color: Magenta" />

Using FormatSets Collection Programmatically

EditorFormatSet formatSet = new EditorFormatSet("img", "Red Border Image");
formatSet.Attributes.Add(new EditorFormatSetAttribute("class", "RedBorderImage"));
formatSet.Attributes.Add(new EditorFormatSetAttribute("alr", "default alt value for Red Border Image"));

formatSet = new EditorFormatSet("h1", "Green header");
formatSet.Attributes.Add(new EditorFormatSetAttribute("style", "color: Green;"));

formatSet = new EditorFormatSet("", "magenta inline set");
formatSet.Attributes.Add(new EditorFormatSetAttribute("style", "color: Magenta;"));
EditorFormatSet(formatSet = New EditorFormatSet("img", "Red Border Image"))
formatSet.Attributes.Add(New EditorFormatSetAttribute("class", "RedBorderImage"))
formatSet.Attributes.Add(New EditorFormatSetAttribute("alr", "default alt value for Red Border Image"))

formatSet = New EditorFormatSet("h1", "Green header")
formatSet.Attributes.Add(New EditorFormatSetAttribute("style", "color: Green;"))

formatSet = New EditorFormatSet("", "magenta inline set")
formatSet.Attributes.Add(New EditorFormatSetAttribute("style", "color: Magenta;"))

Using the ToolsFile

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <tools name="MainToolbar">
        <tool name="FormatSets" />
        <formatSet tag="img" title="Default alt attribute">
                <item name="alt" value="Default alt attribute value"></item>
        <formatSet tag="a" title="<a href='#' class='greenOrangeLink' style='text-decoration: line-through;'>Green orange link</a>">
                <item name="class" value="greenOrangeLink"></item>
                <item name="style" value="text-decoration: line-through;"></item>
                <item name="title" value="green, orange link"></item>

Display Style in Dropdown

To display the dropdown items with their corresponding formatting, add the formatted HTML in the Title attribute of the corresponding FormatSet.

<telerik:EditorFormatSet Tag="H1" Title="<h1 style='color: green'>green header 1</h1>">

See Also

In this article