CommandsManager Object
The CommandsManager object exposes the following public methods and properties to control its behavior:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
canRepeatLastCommand | Boolean | Indicates whether the last command can be repeated. | |
execute |
Object , Boolean
Boolean | Executes a command.The method takes the following arguments: command - The command to be executed. addToStack - Boolean value that indicates whether the command to be added in the undo stack. |
get_commands | Array | Returns the commands available in the undo stack. | |
getCommandsToRedo | Array | Returns the commands in the redo stack. | |
getCommandsToUndo | Array | Returns the commands in the undo stack. | |
isRedoAvailable | Boolean | Indicates whether there are commands in the redo stack. | |
isUndoAvailable | Boolean | Indicates whether there are commands in the undo stack. | |
redo | Number |
Redo commands added in the redo stack.The method takes the following arguments: depth - The number of commands to be redo. | |
removeCommandAt | Number |
Removes a command from the specified index in the stack.The method takes the following arguments: index - The index of the command to be removed. | |
repeatLastCommand | Repeats the last command fired. | ||
undo | Number |
Undo commands added in the undo stack.The method takes the following arguments: depth - The number of commands to be undo. |