CSS Classes
Skin - Specific CSS
CSS Class | Description |
.SkinName.RadEditor | Primary wrapping class of the RadEditor |
.SkinName.reWrapper | Wrapping class |
.SkinName.RadEditor .reContentCell | Content Cell of RadEditor |
.SkinName.reColorPicker | Color picker of RadEditor |
.SkinName.reInsertTable | Insert table dropdown |
.SkinName.reDropDownBody | Dropdown RadEditor |
.SkinName.reDropDownBody table | Styles all tables nested .reDropDownBody |
.SkinName.RadEditor .reModule | Module of RadEdtior |
.SkinName.RadEditor .reEditorModes | Editor modes switcher |
.SkinName.RadEditor .reBottomZone .reModule | RadEditor modules in the bottom zone |
.SkinName.reCustomLinks a,.SkinName.reCustomLinks a:link, | Defines style for normal unvisted link |
.SkinName.reCustomLinks a:visited | Defines tyle for visited link |
.SkinName.reCustomLinks a:hover | Defines style for link on hover state |
.reToolbar li | Editor tool |
.SkinName .reSpinBox a | RadEditor SpinBox link |
.reToolbar.SkinName .reSeparator | Horizontal toolbar separator |
.reToolbar.SkinName .reGrip | Horizontal toolbar toolbar grip – left and right |
.reTool span | This is where the icon of the respective command is loaded from “Common/CommandSpritesLight|IE6.png|gif file. |
.reDialog .reTool | Tool in a Dialog |
.reModule .reTool | Tool in a Module |
.reDialog .reTool:hover | Dialog hover state |
.reToolbar .reTool:hover | Toolbar hover state |
.reModule .reTool:hover | Module hover state |
.reToolbar .reTool.reTool_selected | Toggled tool |
.reToolbar .reTool.reTool_selected:hover | Toggled tool hover state |
.reToolbar .reTool_text span | Tool text |
.reToolbar .reTool_text:hover | Tool text hover state |
.reToolbar .reTool_text.reTool_selected | Toggled button |
.reToolbar .reTool_text.reTool_selected:hover | Toggled button hover state |
.reToolbar .reTool_text.reTool_disabled | Toggled button disabled |
.reToolbar .reTool_text.reTool_disabled:hover | Toggled button disabled hover state |
.reTool.reSplitButton | Split button |
.reTool.reSplitButton:hover | Split button hover state |
.SkinName .reTool .split_arrow | The arrow in a Split button |
.SkinName .reSplitButton.reTool_text .split_arrow | The arrow in a Split button in tool text |
.reDialog .reTool.reSplitButton | Dialog Split button |
.reDialog .reTool.reSplitButton:hover | Dialog Split button hover state |
.reModule .reTool.reSplitButton | Module Split button |
.reModule .reTool.reSplitButton:hover | Module Split button hover state |
.reDropdown:link | Dropdown link normal state |
.reDropdown:visited | Dropdown link normal visited state |
.reTool_disabled.reDropdown:hover | Dropdown disabled hover state |
.reDropdown:hover | Dropdown hover state |
.RadEditor.SkinName .reTlbVertical li | Item in a vertical toolbar |
.RadEditor.SkinName .reTlbVertical .reToolbar.SkinName .reGrip | Grip of a vertical toolbar |
.RadEditor.SkinName .reTlbVertical .reToolbar.SkinName .grip_first | Top grip of a vertical toolbar |
.RadEditor.SkinName .reTlbVertical .reToolbar.SkinName .grip_first | Bottom grip of a vertical toolbar |
.RadEditor.SkinName .reTlbVertical .reToolbar.SkinName .reSeparator | Separator of a vertical toolbar |
.reTlbVertical .reTool:hover | Vertical toolbar Tool hover state |
.reTlbVertical .reTool_text.reSplitButton:hover | Vertical toolbar SplitButton hover state |
.reTlbVertical .reTool_text:hover | Vertical toolbar Tool text hover state |
.reTlbVertical .reTool:hover | Vertical toolbar button hover state |
.reTlbVertical .reTool_text.reSplitButton:hover | Vertical toolbar SplitButton hover state |
.reTlbVertical .reTool_text:hover | Vertical toolbar button tool text hover state |
.reTlbVertical .reTool.reTool_selected | Vertical toolbar toggled button |
.reTlbVertical .reTool_text.reTool_selected | Vertical toolbar toggled button tool text |
.reTlbVertical .reTool_text.reTool_selected:hover | Vertical toolbar toggled button tool text hover state |
.reDropDownBody .reTlbVertical ul li a:hover | DropDown body vertical toolbar unordered list link hover state |
.SkinName.reInsertTable | Insertetd Table |
.reDropDownBody .reTlbVertical .reToolbar | Dropdown body vertical toolbar |
.SkinName table.reSpinBox | Spinbox table |
.SkinName table.reSpinBox:hover | Spinbox table hover state |
.SkinName .reSpinBoxIncrease | Spinbox increase |
.SkinName .reSpinBoxIncrease:hover | Spinbox increase hover state |
.SkinName .reSpinBoxDecrease | Spinbox decrease |
.SkinName .reSpinBoxDecrease:hover | Spinbox decrease hover state |
.SkinName.RadEditor input | RadEditor input |
.SkinName.RadEditor input:hover | RadEditor input hover state |
.SkinName .reMode_selected | Selected mode in editor mode switcher |
.SkinName .reModule_domlink_selected | Selected element in DOM selector |
.SkinName .reModule_domlink | Link in the DOM inspector |
.SkinName.reDropDownBody .reItemOver | Hover element in a dropdown of RadEditor |
.SkinName.reColorPicker table div | RadEditor Color picker |
.SkinName.reColorPicker table td.reItemOver div | RadEditor Color picker hover state |
.SkinName.reColorPicker span | RadEditor Color picker span |
.reAjaxspell_button | Ajax spellcheck button |
.SkinName .reAjaxSpellCheckSuggestions table | Ajax spellcheck suggestion table |
.SkinName .reAjaxSpellCheckSeparator | Ajax spellcheck separator |
.SkinName.reCustomLinks | Custom links |
.SkinName.reCustomLinks ul | Custom links unoredred list |
.SkinName.reCustomLinks a | Custom links normal state |
.SkinName.reCustomLinks a:hover | Custom links hover state |
.reInsertTable table | Inserted table |
.reInsertTable table td | Inserted table TD |
.reInsertTable .reTlbVertical ul | Inserted table vertical toolbar unordered list |
.SkinName.reDropDownBody.reInsertTable div.reTlbVertical a.reTool_text | Inserted table vertical toolbar tool text link normal state |
.SkinName.reDropDownBody.reInsertTable div.reTlbVertical a.reTool_text:link | Inserted table vertical toolbar tool text link normal state |
.SkinName.reDropDownBody.reInsertTable div.reTlbVertical a.reTool_text:visited | Inserted table vertical toolbar tool text link visited state |
.SkinName.reDropDownBody.reInsertTable div.reTlbVertical a.reTool_text:hover | Inserted table vertical toolbar tool text link hover state |
.reInsertTable .reTlbVertical ul .reTool_text span | Inserted table vertical toolbar unordered list span |
.reInsertTable .reToolbar li .reTool:hover | Inserted table vertical toolbar unordered list link hovered |
.reModule_visible_icon | RadEditor Module vissible icon |
.reModule_hidden_icon | RadEditor Module hidden icon |
.reResizeCell div | Resize cell DIV |
.reDialog .reTool_disabled | Dialog disabled state |
.reDialog .reTool_disabled:hover | Dialog disabled hover state |
.reToolbar .reTool_disabled | Toolbar disabled state |
.reToolbar .reTool_disabled:hover | Toolbar disabled hover state |
.reModule .reTool_disabled | Module disabled state |
.reModule .reTool_disabled:hover | Module disabled hover state |
.RadWindow.RadWindow_Default.reToolbarWindow td.rwWindowContent | This rule styles RadWindow's content cell, which is used in the floating and show on focus toolbar modes |
Editor Commands
CSS Class | Description |
.CustomDialog | Custom dialog |
.FormatCodeBlock | Format code block area |
.PageProperties | Page properties |
.SetImageProperties | Image properties |
.BringToFront | Bring to front property |
.AlignmentSelector | Align property |
.Cancel | Cancel property |
.Custom | Custom property |
.ViewHtml | View HTML property |
.DecreaseSize | Decrease size property |
.DeleteTable | Delete table property |
.FileOpen | File open property |
.IncreaseSize | Increase size property |
.InsertAnchor | Insert Anchor (hyperlink) property |
.InsertEmailLink | Insert Email link property |
.InsertFormImageButton | Insert Form Button - image |
.ModuleManager | Module manager property |
.RepeatLastCommand | Repeat last command property |
.SendToBack | Send to back property |
.FormatStripper | Format Stripper property |
.StyleBuilder | Style builder |
.ToggleFloatingToolbar | Toogle toolbar |
.XhtmlValidator | xHTML validator |
.InsertSymbol | Insert Symbol property |
.InsertFormHidden | Insert hidden form |
.InsertFormButton | Insert form button |
.InsertFormReset | Insert form reset |
.InsertFormSubmit | Insert form reset |
.InsertFormCheckbox | Insert checkbox |
.InsertFormPassword | Inser password field |
.InsertFormRadio | Insert radio button |
.InsertFormSelect | Insert select |
.InsertFormTextarea | Insert textarea |
.InsertFormText | Insert input text |
.StripAll | Strip all property |
.StripCss | Strip CSS property |
.StripFont | Strip font property |
.StripSpan | Strip span property |
.StripWord | Strip word property |
.AjaxSpellCheck | Ajax Spell check |
.Italic | Italic property |
.ImageManager | Image manager |
.ImageMapDialog | Image map dialog |
.FlashManager | Flash manager |
.InsertFlash | Insert flash |
.MediaManager | Media manager |
.InsertMedia | Insert media |
.DocumentManager | Document manager |
.InsertDocument | Insert document |
.TemplateManager | Template manager |
.InsertTable | Insert table |
.TableWizard | Table wizard |
.InsertRowAbove | Insert row above |
.InsertRowBelow | Insert row bellow |
.DeleteRow | Delete row |
.InsertColumnLeft | Insert column left |
.InsertColumnRight | Insert column right |
.DeleteColumn | Delete column |
.MergeColumns | Merge columns |
.MergeRows | Merge rows |
.SplitCell | Split cell |
.SplitCellHorizontal | Split cell horizontal |
.DeleteCell | Delete cell |
.SetCellProperties | Set cell properties |
.SetTableProperties | Set table properties |
.Help | Help |
.Undo | Undo |
.Redo | Redo |
.Cut | Cut |
.Copy | Copy |
.Paste | Paste |
.PasteStrip | Paste strip |
.PasteAsHtml | Paste as HTML |
.PasteHtml | Paste HTML |
.PasteFromWord | Paste from MS Word |
.PasteFromWordNoFontsNoSizes | Paste from MS word witout using set fonts and sizes |
.PastePlainText | Paste plain text |
.FindAndReplace | Find and replace |
.SelectAll | Select all |
.InsertGroupbox | Insert group box |
.InsertCodeSnippet | Insert code snippet |
.InsertSnippet | Insert snippet |
.InsertDate | Insert date |
.InsertTime | Insert time |
.AboutDialog | About dialog |
.Bold | Bold |
.Underline | Underline |
.StrikeThrough | Strike Through |
.JustifyLeft | Align left |
.JustifyCenter | Align center |
.JustifyFull | Align justify |
.JustifyNone | No alignmnet |
.JustifyRight | Align right |
.InsertParagraph | Insert paragraph |
.InsertHorizontalRule | Insert horizontal rule |
.Superscript | Super script |
.Subscript | Sub script |
.ConvertToLower | Convert to lower case |
.ConvertToUpper | Convert to upper case |
.Indent | Text indent |
.Outdent | Text outdent |
.InsertOrderedList | Insert ordered list |
.InsertUnorderedList | Insert unordered list |
.AbsolutePosition | Absolute position |
.Save | Save |
.SaveAndClose | Save and close |
.FileSave | File save |
.FileSaveAs | File save as |
.SaveLocal | Save local |
.LinkManager | Link manager |
.CreateLink | Create link |
.CustomLinkTool | Custom link tool |
.SetLinkProperties | Set link properties |
.Unlink | Unlink |
.ToggleTableBorder | Toggled table border |
.ToggleScreenMode | Toggled screen mode |
.ForeColor | Front color |
.BackColor | Back color |
.borderColor | Border color |
.bgColor | Background color |
.InsertFormElement | Insert from element |
.InsertFormForm | Insert form |
.reTopCenter | Rad Editor top center |
.reMiddleLeft | Rad Editor middle left |
.reMiddleCenter | Rad Editor Middle center |
.reMiddleRight | Rad editor middle right |
.reBottomCenter | Rad Editor bottom center |
.reNoAlignment | Rad Editor no alignmnet |
.reTopLeft | Rad Editor top left |
.reTopRight | Rad Editor top right |
.reBottomLeft | Rad Editor bottom left |
.reBottomRight | Rad Editor bottom right |
.SilverlightManager | Silverlight manager |
.ExportToPdf | Export to PDF |
.InsertLink | Insert link |
.InsertImage | Insert image |
.reAlignmentSelector .reTopRight,.reAlignmentSelector .reTopLeft,.reAlignmentSelector .reTopCenter,.reAlignmentSelector .reNoAlignment,.reAlignmentSelector .reMiddleLeft,.reAlignmentSelector .reMiddleCenter,.reAlignmentSelector .reMiddleRight,.reAlignmentSelector .reBottomCenter,.reAlignmentSelector .reBottomRight,.reAlignmentSelector .reBottomLeft | Alignment settings within the alignment dropdown |
Apply CSS Class Dropdown
CSS Class | Description |
.reApplyClass td | Apply class to TD |
.reApplyClass span | Apply class to span |
.reApplyClass .reClass_all | Apply class to all elements |
.reApplyClass .reClass_img | Apply class to images |
.reApplyClass .reClass_table | Apply class to table |
.reApplyClass .reClass_ul | Apply class to unordered list |
.reApplyClass .reClass_ol | Apply class to ordered list |
.reApplyClass .reClass_p | Apply class to paragraph |
.reApplyClass .reClass_span | Apply class to span |
.reApplyClass .reClass_a | Apply class to link |
.reApplyClass .reClass_div | Apply class to div |
.reApplyClass .reClass_h1 | Apply class to H1 |
.reApplyClass .reClass_h2 | Apply class to H2 |
.reApplyClass .reClass_h3 | Apply class to H3 |
.reApplyClass .reClass_h4 | Apply class to H4 |
.reApplyClass .reClass_h5 | Apply class to H5 |
.reApplyClass .reClass_h6 | Apply class to H6 |
.reApplyClass .reClass_td | Apply class to td |
Light Dialogs
CSS Class | Description |
.reInsertLinkWrapper | Link wrapper |
.reInsertImageWrapper | Image Wrapper |
.reInsertLinkWrapper .reControlsLayout TD | Link wrapper TD |
.reInsertImageWrapper .reControlsLayout TD | Image wrapper TD |
.reDialogLabelLight span | Label light span |
.reConfirmCancelButtonsTblLight | Confrim/Cancel buttons |
.reConfirmCancelButtonsTblLight button | Confrim/Cancel buttons |
.reConfirmCancelButtonsTblLight .reAllPropertiesLight button | Confrim/Cancel buttons all properties |
.reControlsLayout .reControlCellLight | Control cell |
.reControlsLayout .reControlCellLight input | Controll cell input |
.reControlsLayout .reControlCellLight select | Controll cell select |
.reControlsLayout .reImgPropertyControlCell TD | Property controll cell |
.reImgPropertyControlCell input | Image property control input |
.reImgPropertyControlCell span | Image property control span |
.reControlsLayout TD.reImgPropertyControlCell | reImage property control cell |
.reInsertImageWrapper .reControlsLayout .reControlCellLight input | reImage property control input |