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Create a New Language

With RadEditor you can create a new language pack or alter some of the labels of an existing language pack. All of the text used in RadEditor is obtained from resource files, which look similar to the example below:

Each dialog, module or a context-menu has its own localization resource file located in the App_GlobalResources folder.

The best way to create a new language is to duplicate an existing set of resource files and modify them. For example to create a new Italian resource file for Tools, you can copy the default RadEditor.Tools.resx to

The culture name has to follow the RFC 1766 standard in the format [Language Code]-[County/Region Code]. In our example, it-IT stands for Italian - Italy.

Then open the resource file in Visual Studio and change the Value column entries to their Italian counterparts.

Set the Language property to the new culture code that represents the language at design-time:

<telerik:RadEditor RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" Language="it-IT" ></telerik:RadEditor>

...or run-time:

RadEditor1.Language = "it-IT"; 
RadEditor1.Language = "it-IT"

When you run the application, the new resources will be recognized and the corresponding hints or other UI elements will display in the new language:

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