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Keyboard Support

The enable the keyboard navigation of RadDrawer set its Navigatable property to 'true'.

Keyboard legend

When the Drawer is focused, the current active item is selected. For a complete example, refer to the demo on keyboard navigation of the Drawer.

The drawer supports the following keyboard shortcuts:

HomeFocuses the first item in the drawer.
EndFocuses the last item in the drawer.
Up ArrowFocuses the previous item in the drawer.
Down ArrowFocuses the next item in the drawer.
EnterSelects the focused item.
SpaceSelects the focused item.
EscHides the drawer.


When the Navigatable property of the drawer is set to 'true', in the AccessKey property of the Control you can set the desired key for quick navigation to the drawer.

<telerik:RadDrawer runat="server" ID="RadDrawer1" Navigatable="true" AccessKey="W">

As result Alt + W focuses the drawer's active item.

See Also

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