RadComboBoxItem Object
The RadComboBoxItem object is returned by the getItem method of the RadComboBoxItemCollection object. It is also exposed by the eventArgs of many client-side events (eventArgs.get_item()). The following table lists the most important methods:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
highlight | none | none | Highlights an item. |
unHighlight | none | none | Unhighlights an item. |
select | none | none | Selects an item. |
disable | none | none | Disables an item. |
enable | none | none | Enables an item. |
get_comboBox | none | object | Gets the parent RadComboBox control. See Example 1. |
get_highlighted | none | boolean | True if the item is highlighted. To highlight an item use the highlight method. |
get_index | none | int | Gets the index of an item in the Items collection. |
get_enabled | none | boolean | True if the item is enabled. To enable an item use the enable method. |
get_text | none | string | Gets the text of an item. |
set_text | string | none | Sets text of an item. |
get_value | none | string | Gets the value of an item. |
set_value | string | none | Sets the value of an item. |
get_checked | none | boolean | True if an item is checked, False if not. |
set_checked | boolean | none | Checks or unchecks an item. |
get_isSeparator | none | boolean | True if an item is separator (IsSeparator="True"). |
get_attributes | none | collection | Returns a collection of custom attributes defined for an item. |
getAttribute | String | String | Returns a specific attribute from the Attributes collection. |
setAttribute | String, String | none | Adds an attribute to the Attributes collection. See Example 2. |
get_visible | none | boolean | True if the item is visible. |
set_visible | boolean | none | Sets the visibility of an item. |
show | none | none | Makes the item visible, same as set_visible(true). |
hide | none | none | Makes the item invisible, same as set_visible(false). |
get_imageUrl | none | string | Returns the full path to an item's image. |
set_imageUrl | string | none | Sets the ImageUrl property of an item. |
get_disabledImageUrl | none | string | Returns the full path to the image of a disabled item. |
set_disabledImageUrl | string | none | Sets the DisabledImageUrl property of an item. |
findControl | string | object | Returns the object which is in the item template. |
get_element | none | HTML element | Returns the <LI> HTML element of an item. |
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function OnClientSelectedIndexChangingHandler(sender, eventArgs) {
var item = eventArgs.get_item();
var combo = item.get_comboBox();
<telerik:radcombobox id="RadComboBox1"
var combo = $find("<%= RadComboBox2.ClientID %>");
var item = combo.findItemByText("Apples");
//get a custom attribute called "Color"
//set new custom attribute called "Size"
item.get_attributes().setAttribute("Size", "2");